Using Shared Reading to Improve Reading Fluency

Shared Reading is a reading activity that happens when learners join in or share the reading of a book or other content while guided and supported by a teacher. The teacher explicitly models the skills and abilities of excellent readers, including reading with fluency and expression. The shared reading model uses oversized books with enlarged print and illustrations.

Why utilize shared reading?

  • It provides struggling readers with the necessary support and resources.
  • Shared reading of predictable content can build sight word knowledge and reading fluency
  • Allows learners to enjoy the content that they may not be able to read on their own.
  • Ensures that each learner feels successful by offering support to the entire group.

How to utilize shared reading

  1. Introduce your story by talking about the title, cover, and author/illustrator. Ask the learners to make predictions regarding what they think the story might be about.
  2. Read the story aloud to the learners utilizing appropriate inflection and tone. Pause and ask the learners to make predictions. Ask brief questions to decide the learners’ level of comprehension.
  3. Conclude the reading by allowing time for reactions. Ask questions regarding the story and relate the story to the learners’ comparable experiences. Ask the kids to recap the story in their words.
  4. Reread the story and allow time for independent reading.
  5. Engage in follow-up activities such as making crafts related to the story.

Differentiated instruction

For second language learners, learners of varying reading skill, and younger learners:

  • Educators should have Spanish copies of shared reading books.
  • Books should be held in an area accessible to learners for independent and regular rereading by learners.
  • Ask learners to write a similar story using the same theme or sentence/language pattern of the book that has been shared.
  • Teachers can utilize sentence strips and have learners retell or build the story by putting the strips in order.
  • Have learners write their predictions based upon what would happen next if the story were to continue.
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