Valentine’s Day Poems for Kids of Each Age

Looking for Valentine’s Day poems for kids of all ages? Check these out.

Valentine’s Day Poems for Elementary School Kids

Love by Kaitlyn Guenther

Love is a Circle by Author Unknown

I’m a Little Valentine by Author Unknown

Valentine Chocolates by Valerie Worth

HEART by Author Unknown

Red Hearts, White Hearts by Nellie Edge

Going Steady by Ian Serraillier

Lunchbox Love Note by Kenn Nesbitt

A Valentine by Author Unknown

Swinging Valentine by Joanna Fuchs

A Great Need by Hafez

Eros the Contagion by Annie Kim

Ditty by Kevin Young

Why I Love Thee? by Sadakichi Hartmann

Heart to Heart by Rita Dove

Vivien’s Song by Alfred Lord Tennyson

This Much and More by Djuna Barnes

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