What are Prosocial Behaviors?

These are character traits that reflect care, regard, and respect for the concerns of other humans. Prosocial behaviors include many actions such as sharing, helping, cooperating, and comforting.

Apart from the obvious benefits that prosocial actions offer the recipients, they can have several positive effects on the helper. These include:

Mood-boosting effects: According to research, individuals who engage in prosocial actions are more likely to have better moods. These people also tend to experience pessimistic moods less frequently.

Stress-reducing effects: Research has also shown that engaging in prosocial actions helps reduce the negative emotional impacts of stress. Helping others might be an excellent way to mitigate the effect of stress in one’s life.

Social support benefits: Research has found that social support can leave a strong impact on different aspects of wellness, including lowering the risk of depression, loneliness, and alcohol use.

According to psychologists, there’re different reasons why individuals engage in prosocial behaviors. These include:

Personal benefits: Prosocial actions are often viewed as being compelled by different factors, including reciprocal benefits (doing something good for someone so that the person might one day return the favor), egoistic reasons (doing things to enhance one’s self-image), and more altruistic reasons (doing things purely out of concern for another person).

Evolutionary influences: Evolutionary psychologists often describe prosocial behaviors concerning the principles of natural selection. Scientists have shown some evidence that individuals are often more likely to help others to whom they’re closely related.

Reciprocal behavior: According to the norm of reciprocity, when individuals do something beneficial for another person, that person feels compelled to return the favor. Evolutionary psychologists suggest that this norm developed because individuals who understood helping others may result in reciprocal kindness were more likely to reproduce and survive.

Socialization: In many cases, prosocial behaviors are nurtured during childhood and adolescence as parents encourage kids to help others, share, and act kindly.

Experts have identified different situational variables that contribute to prosocial behaviors. These include:

Fear of embarrassment or judgment: People sometimes fear offering assistance only to find out that their help was unwarranted or unwanted. They simply take no action to avoid being judged by the bystanders.

The number of individuals present: The more the number of individuals around, the less personal responsibility individuals feel in a situation. This is called the diffusion of responsibility.

How other individuals respond: Individuals also tend to look to other people to respond in these situations, especially if the event involves some level of ambiguity. People become less likely to respond if no other person seems to be reacting.

While prosocial behavior is generally presented as a single dimension, some research proposes that there’re different types. These are distinguished based on why they’re produced. These include:

Proactive: These actions cater to self-benefitting purposes.

Reactive: These actions are performed in reaction to individual needs.

Altruistic: These actions are meant to aid others without anticipating personal gain.

Researchers also propose that these prosocial behaviors are generally likely to be influenced by differing factors. For instance, proactive actions were identified to often be influenced by popularity within a group and status-linked goals.

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