What Are Related Services in Special Education

Related services are important to help students with special needs access the necessary supports to be successful in school. Related services may include special education, communication, social, health and physical, and academic services. These services work together to help students with special needs access their full potential.

Related services can be provided in a variety of ways, including in-school, out-of-school, and individualized services. In-school related services are typically provided in the same classroom as students with special needs. Out-of-school related services are services that are provided outside of the school setting. These services may be provided in the student’s home, at a daycare, or at a center. Individualized services are services that are specifically designed for a student with special needs.

Related services can be very expensive. Families may need to pay for services out-of-pocket or through private insurance. Families may also need to find funding through government programs, such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Related services are important for students with special needs to access their full potential. Services can be provided in a variety of ways, and families may need to find funding through government programs. Related services can help students with special needs access their full potential and be successful in school.

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