What Companies Are in the Basic Industries Field?

Production can never proceed without the inputs of basic industries, which include oil, steel, and mining. And within the basic industries sector, you can find many companies.

In 2019, the United States graduated as the second largest exporter in the world when their exported goods totaled $1.6 trillion. In this country, basic industries such as mining, agriculture, and energy are part of their largest exports.

For example, mineral fuels and oils are the country’s most significant exports because they generate billions of dollars in annual revenue and take up a large share of total American exports. Organic chemicals are the other backbone of the country’s large exports because they generate annual revenue.

What Are Basic Industries?

Basic industries supply raw materials and energy sources to other industries dealing with producing critical products and services. Companies in the basic industries sector don’t deal with the final consumer or the final production of goods; instead, they provide raw materials to manufacturers who produce services that can be sold directly to consumers. For example, the steel industry provides steel to manufacturers to make vehicles and appliances that they can sell directly to consumers.

Basic industries require natural resources, including metals, fuels, and edible crops, to produce raw materials for other industries. And since these natural resources are mainly for basic industries, they are often set aside for export instead of domestic sale. Furthermore, natural resources are sometimes used to encourage trading relationships between countries or as economic leverage.

What Are the Types of Basic Industries?

  • Agriculture provides crops specifically meant for food supply. The United States has set aside nearly half of its land for agricultural purposes. For example, the Midwestern United States almost exclusively produces large quantities of wheat, corn, and soy.
  • Oil and gas have dominated as the number one sources of energy since the 19th century. Oil is processed as fuel to generate electricity and heat. On the other hand, natural gas is mined and distributed for manufacturing and consumption using pipelines.
  • Mining refers to extracting natural resources such as minerals, metals, and coal from the Earth’s surface. In 2020, American mines generated approximately $82 billion of revenue from raw minerals.
  • Steel is viable as an excellent building material because it is tough, malleable, and relatively cheap metal. This metal, essential in manufacturing vehicles and buildings, is produced by combining carbon and iron at temperatures not less than 2600 degrees.
  • The paper and pulp industry is responsible for producing paper products such as office paper, printed publications, cardboard, and packaging. And since it uses wood products, it accounts for approximately 13% – 15 % of total wood consumption and 30 – 40 % of wood products countries trade globally.
  • The chemical industry enables manufacturers and other industries to access a wide range of artificial or lab-created materials. These products are usually gas and chemical, including adhesives, monomers, polyethylenes, and gels.

How Can One Get a Tech Job in the Basic Industries?

Most jobs in the United States belong to the basic industries fields. And these jobs require personnel well-skilled in tech, engineering, and I.T.

Many well-established companies present information regarding careers in basic industries on their websites. As a job seeker, you can always go through the company’s career pages on the websites to determine your desired location and field. You can also submit applications right from the site.

Recently it’s the norm for some more giant corporations to partner with colleges or boot camps: They make it easier for students and graduates to pursue job opportunities using their institution’s career center or through alum boards.

Top Companies for Tech in the Basic Industries

The demand for products and materials from primary industries is exceptionally high. This demand has attracted large multinational corporations making them dominate many basic industries markets. The following companies dominate the basic industries market in energy, chemical manufacturing, mining, and metals.

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