What is a Grapheme?

A grapheme is the smallest unit of a written language that represents a semantic unit of meaning. Graphemes include letters, numerals, punctuation marks, and other basic symbols. Each grapheme typically corresponds to a single phoneme or sound.

Graphemes are the building blocks of words. A word is composed of one or more graphemes, and each grapheme is assigned a specific meaning. For example, the letter “a” is a grapheme that represents the phoneme “a” in English. The letter “e” is a grapheme that represents the phoneme “e” in English.

Graphemes are also the units of meaning in sign language. Sign language is a communication system used by people with disabilities. It is composed of hand gestures that represent words and concepts. For example, the sign for “cat” in American Sign Language is made by raising both hands above the head and extending the index finger and the thumb.

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