What Is a Performance Review Template?

Performance reviews are ways to measure an employee’s progress and ensure they  meet the company’s expectations. A performance review template can help you create a formal process for gathering feedback and evaluating an employee’s performance.

There are a few critical components to a good performance review template. First, you must create a timeline for reviewing an employee’s progress. This timeline should include specific dates and times for discussing performance and assessing results. Next, you need to determine the types of feedback you want to give an employee. This includes feedback on their work performance, teamwork, and communication skills.

Finally, you need to create an evaluation format. This format should include a rating system for evaluating an employee’s performance. Each rating should consist of description of the reasons for the rating.

A performance review template can help you create a formal process for gathering feedback and evaluating an employee’s performance. Use this template to review an employee’s progress and evaluate their performance.

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