What is a School Principal?

A school principal is the head of a school and is in charge of all its daily activities and maintaining its various systems. Principals are subordinate to the local superintendent, who they report to directly. Principals often have one or several vice-principals assisting them with their duties. Because of their heavy responsibility and workload, principals usually get paid a significantly higher salary. Principals are usually very disciplined and are expected to carry out a variety of duties, including the establishment of school educational standards, policies, and procedures. They also monitor and evaluate teachers and other staff within their specific educational facility.

Principals have the option of requesting support from the school staff in carrying out their duties, although they do not always take this option. Principals don’t just set school policies; they make sure they are observed and followed to the letter. Principals also lead the recruitment and assessment of new staff as well as the continuous monitoring and evaluating of already existing staff. Principals build schedules, assign duties, create committees as is necessary and provide staff with relevant information.

Principals have the final say on issues such as student discipline, grading, and overall assessments. A principal can even reject a grade that they consider unfair or inaccurate. They also have the power to decide whether or not a student gets promoted to the next grade. The entire school schedule for the year is constructed by the principal. Everything from teacher’s classes to the school budgets and goals are determined by the principal. 

They also serve the difficult role of representing the school at various events and situations. Principals have to be confident, diligent, organized, good leaders, effective planners, and competent enough to execute said plans. They also have to be understanding and empathetic in order to maintain peace within the school environment and create an atmosphere that allows students and staff to thrive. Good principals are also responsible towards their community and guide their schools in providing as much support to the community as possible. 

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