What Is Curriculum-Based Measurement and What Does It Mean to My Child?

Curriculum-based measurement (CBM) is a way to measure student achievement that is based on the curriculum and the goals and objectives of the school. It is used to improve the quality of instruction and to provide feedback to teachers and students about their progress.

CBM can be used in a variety of settings, including traditional schools, charter schools, and home schools. It is especially important for students who are struggling or who are not meeting academic standards.

CBM can be used to monitor student growth and to identify areas where students need more instruction. It can also help teachers to make changes to the curriculum to better meet the needs of their students.

CBM is a powerful tool for educators. It can help them to improve the quality of their instruction and to identify areas where students are making progress. It can also help educators to monitor student growth and to identify areas where students need more instruction.

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