What Is Parallel Play And How Does Your Baby Benefit From It?

Parallel play is important for babies and toddlers because it helps them learn how to interact with others and develop social skills. It also helps them learn how to share and cooperate.

When babies play together, they use their imaginations and creative problem-solving skills. This is important because it helps them learn to think abstractly and develop their critical thinking skills.

Babies who are engaged in parallel play are also physically active. This is because they are constantly moving and interacting with others. It helps them build their strength and coordination skills.

So, what does parallel play look like in action? Here is an example. One baby is sitting in a parent’s lap and playing with a toy. Another baby is running around the room and playing with different toys. The babies are constantly interacting with each other and sharing their toys. This is a great way for babies to learn how to interact with others and develop social skills.

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