What is Performance-Based Assessment?

Performance-based assessment is a process by which educators or administrators measure the progress of students or employees by focusing on results, not on inputs. The focus is on what students or employees have done, not on what they have been told to do.

Performance-based assessment is widely used in both the public and private sectors. It is used to evaluate students’ or employees’ progress, identify areas in which they need improvement, and determine the best way to provide instruction or training.

There are several types of performance-based assessment. The most common is student achievement assessment, which measures how well students are doing in terms of meeting predetermined objectives. Another type is employee assessment, which measures how well employees are performing their job duties.

The most important thing to remember when using performance-based assessment is that it is based on results, not on inputs. This approach is much more effective than traditional assessment methods, which are based on the assumption that students or employees know what they are supposed to do and can be judged based on whether or not they do it.

Performance-based assessment is a proven method of measurement that can help educators or administrators evaluate students’ or employees’ progress, identify areas in which they need improvement, and determine the best way to provide instruction or training.

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