What is the Difference Between Realism and Naturalism in Literature?

There is a big difference between realism and naturalism in literature. Realism is a style of writing that focuses on the physical world and how people interact with it. Naturalism is a style of writing that focuses on the natural world and how people interact with it.

Realism is often associated with Hemingway and Steinbeck because of the stark and unadorned language they use. Naturalism, on the other hand, is associated with writers like Cormac McCarthy and Harper Lee because they often focus on the minutiae of life and how it affects people.

Realism can be more emotional and intimate because it emphasizes the human experience. Naturalism can be more objective and observational because it focuses on the natural world.

Realism is often considered more literary, while naturalism is more popular. However, both styles of writing have their own strengths and weaknesses.

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