What is the Positive and Negative Affect of Schedule? (PANAS)

The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) is a self-report questionnaire that measures different aspects of mood. The PANAS is divided into four scales: Positive Affect (PA), Negative Affect (NA), Discomfort (D), and Satisfaction (S).

The Positive Affect Scale (PAS) measures the positive effect of individuals. The PAS has four subscales: Positive Emotion (PE), Positive Vibration (PV), Positive Intention (PI), and Positive Arousal (PA). The PE subscale measures the general level of positive emotion, while the PV and PI subscales measure the intensity and duration of positive emotions, respectively. The NA subscale measures the negative effect on individuals. The NA has three subscales: Negative Emotion (NE), Negative Vibration (NV), and Negative Intention (NI). The NE subscale measures the general level of negative emotion, while the NV and NI subscales measure the intensity and duration of negative emotions, respectively.

The Discomfort Scale (DS) measures the discomfort of individuals. The DS has two subscales: Discomfort Intensity (DI) and Discomfort Duration (DD). The DI subscale measures the intensity of discomfort, while the DD subscale measures the duration of discomfort.

The Satisfaction Scale (SS) measures the satisfaction of individuals. The SS has two subscales: Satisfaction Intensity (SI) and Satisfaction Duration (SD). The SI subscale measures the intensity of satisfaction, while the SD subscale measures the duration of satisfaction.

The PANAS is a reliable and valid measure of mood. Additionally, the PAS is a good measure of positive effect among different groups. The PAS has also been shown to be a good measure of negative affect among different groups. Finally, the PAS is a good measure of general mood among different groups.

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