What Is This Thing Called RTI?

As a student or a parent, you might have come across the term RTI or Response to Intervention. RTI is a relatively new educational concept that is gaining popularity in schools across the country. It is a multi-tiered approach to providing targeted support and intervention to students who are at risk of struggling in school. The goal of RTI is to identify students’ educational needs early and address them before they fall behind or fail.

What Is RTI?

RTI is a framework that guides teachers and administrators in identifying and providing interventions for students who need extra academic and behavioral support. The framework consists of a three-tiered model designed to provide increasingly intensive levels of support to students, based on their individual needs.

Tier 1 – This includes a strong core program of research-based instruction that is designed to meet the needs of all students in a general education classroom. Teachers assess all students regularly, and those who struggle are provided with additional support or interventions.

Tier 2 – This level of support is provided to students who have been identified as needing additional help based on the Tier 1 assessments. Interventions are targeted, supplementary, and are designed to help students improve their skills in areas such as reading, writing, and mathematics.

Tier 3 – This level of support is provided to students who have not made progress despite Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions. These students receive personalized, intensive interventions that are closely monitored. In some cases, these students may be referred for special education assessment if the interventions are not successful.

Benefits of RTI

RTI has many benefits for students, teachers, and school administrators. Some of the significant benefits include:

Early identification of students who need extra support: The RTI framework allows teachers and administrators to identify struggling students early, which can prevent them from falling behind or dropping out of school.

– Tailored interventions: With three tiers of support, the RTI framework allows educators to provide targeted interventions to meet students’ individual needs.

– Data-driven decision making: RTI is data-driven, which allows educators to assess the effectiveness of interventions and make decisions based on evidence rather than guesswork.

– Collaboration: RTI encourages collaboration between teachers, administrators, and parents, which can lead to better outcomes for students.


In conclusion, RTI is a powerful framework that can help schools provide targeted support to students who need it most. By identifying and addressing students’ needs early, educators can prevent students from falling behind and set them on a path to success. While RTI requires a significant investment of time and resources, the benefits it provides to students, teachers, and school administrators are well worth the effort.

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