What Parents Want in School Communication

Parents play an important role in their children’s education, and effective communication between schools and families is crucial for student success. Schools that effectively communicate with parents provide important information and build trust and support. Here are the top seven things that parents want in school communication:

• Regular Updates on their Child’s Progress: Parents want to know how their child is doing in school, both academically and socially. This information should be communicated regularly through progress reports or parent-teacher conferences. In addition, schools can use technology such as email, text messaging, or online portals to keep parents informed.
• Clear and Concise Information: Parents want information that is easy to understand and communicate. Schools should provide important information in a format that is easily accessible and easy to read, such as bullet points, short paragraphs or infographics.
• Timely Communication: Parents want to be informed on time. This means schools should communicate important information well before the event or deadline. For example, parents should be notified several weeks beforehand if there is a school event or field trip.
• Personalized Communication: Parents want communication tailored to their child’s needs and interests. Schools can personalize communication by providing updates on their child’s progress in specific subject areas or highlighting their child’s achievements and strengths.
• Transparent Communication: Parents want communication that is honest and transparent. Schools should communicate both positive and negative information clearly and concisely. If there are any issues or concerns, schools should communicate these openly and provide information on how they plan to address the situation.
• Opportunity for Feedback: Parents want to provide feedback and have their voices heard. Schools can engage parents by sending out surveys or conducting parent-teacher conferences. This allows parents to share their thoughts and opinions on the school’s communication and suggest ways to improve it.
• Easy Access to Resources: Parents want easy access to resources that can help support their child’s education. Schools can provide information on local resources such as libraries, after-school programs, or community organizations that can support their child’s learning. Additionally, schools can provide information on educational resources such as websites, apps, or educational games that can be used at home.

Effective communication between schools and families is crucial for student success. By providing regular updates, clear and concise information, timely communication, personalized communication, transparent communication, opportunities for feedback and easy access to resources, schools can build trust and support with parents and help ensure students have the best possible educational experience.

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