What Teachers Really Want When It Comes to Feedback

Feedback is essential to teacher effectiveness and professional development. However, many teachers struggle to provide feedback that is both helpful and meaningful to their students. In this article, we explore what teachers want from feedback and how to provide it effectively.

When it comes to feedback, teachers have many different desires and expectations. Some want feedback that is specific and detailed, while others want feedback that is general and vague. Some want feedback on a specific task or assignment, while others want feedback on their entire teaching style.

It is important for teachers to understand their own preferences when it comes to feedback. If teachers are unsure of what they want from feedback, they can explore different forms and levels of feedback to find what works best for them.

When providing feedback, it is important to be aware of the different types of learners. Some students need concrete feedback to understand and improve their work, while other students need more general feedback to help them learn and grow.

It is also important to be aware of teacher demographics. Some teachers are more comfortable providing feedback in writing, while others prefer to provide feedback verbally. It is important to be willing to provide feedback in a way that is comfortable for the teacher and the student.

Overall, feedback is an essential component of teacher effectiveness and professional development. It is important for teachers to understand their own preferences and demographics, as well as the preferences and demographics of their students. When providing feedback, it is important to be aware of the different needs of the students and teachers.

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