What’s the Difference Between Sex and Gender?

The difference between sex and gender is a big topic that can confuse some. So, before getting into the details, it’s important to understand what they are.

Gender is what a person’s sex is. For example, a person who was born with a male sex may identify as a man, while a person who was born with a female sex may identify as a woman. Gender is not the same as sex. Sex is the biological characteristics of a person, such as their chromosomes and hormones.

Gender is a social construct based on a person’s assigned at birth sex and the roles that are expected of them in society. For example, women are typically expected to be caretakers and homemakers, while men are typically expected to be breadwinners and heads of households. Gender is not the same as sex. Sex is the biological characteristics of a person, such as their chromosomes and hormones.

Gender can be difficult to understand, especially if you don’t have experience with the traditional gender roles expected of people in society. That’s why it’s important to remember that gender is a social construct and is not the same as sex.

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