As educators, it is essential to introduce our students to a range of cultures, languages, and traditions. This includes teaching them about the geography of the world and the meanings behind different terminologies. One such word that holds significance both historically and culturally is ‘Levant.’
So, what is Levant?
The term Levant refers to a region that stretches across the Eastern Mediterranean, including Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, and Palestine. The term initially originated from the French phrase ‘Levant,’ which means “rising” or “the East.” It describes the “rising” or the direction of the sun, as the region has always been where the sun rises first in the East.
The Levant region has an incredible culture and tradition that dates back to ancient times. It has been a crossroad of trade, culture, politics, and religion, making it an essential part of world history. The Levant has seen many empires and civilizations – the Roman Empire, Islamic Caliphate, Crusaders, Ottomans – all having an impact on the region’s culture, language, and faith.
Teaching students about the meaning of Levant is crucial for several reasons:
1. Enhancing their understanding of history
Introducing students to Levant’s historical significance helps them understand ancient civilizations, their traditions, and how these early civilizations have influenced the world we live in today.
2. Learning about the diversity of cultures
The region of Levant has a diverse culture, and teaching students about it will allow them to explore different traditions, languages, and practices that are unique to the Levant.
3. Promoting empathy and understanding
Learning about other cultures promotes empathy and understanding among students. By introducing them to the Levant region, students will be better equipped to empathize with individuals from the region and appreciate their differences.
4. Developing global perspectives
As we live in an increasingly globalized world, it has become essential for students to understand and appreciate cultures beyond their own. By learning about Levant, students will develop a broader global perspective.