Why Black Teachers Walk Away

In the United States, black teachers walk away from teaching jobs at alarming rates. They feel that they are not given the same opportunities as their white counterparts. They also feel that they are not given the respect they deserve as teachers. The lack of respect can be summed up with one phrase: “you’re not good enough.”

One reason that black teachers walk away from teaching is because of the different expectations that are put on them. White teachers are often sent to schools with low expectations. Black teachers, on the other hand, are often sent to schools with high expectations and are not given the same opportunities to develop their teaching skills. This difference in expectations can cause Black teachers to feel that they are not good enough to be a teacher.

Another reason is because of the differences in pay. Black teachers are often paid less which can lead to feeling that they are not worth their time and energy.

Lastly, Black teachers often feel that they are not given a voice in the profession. They are not often given the opportunity to speak out about their concerns. This can lead to teachers feeling that they are not listened to or respected.

There are many reasons why Black teachers walk away from teaching. However, the most important reason is that they feel that they are not given the respect they deserve. These teachers are dedicated professionals who are working hard to give their students the best possible education. If they are not given the respect they deserve, it can be difficult for them to continue teaching.

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