Why Teaching Kindness in Schools Is Essential to Reduce Bullying

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of why teaching kindness in schools is essential, but the following five reasons are all valid.

  1. Kindness can help reduce bullying.
    Bullying is a problem that affects both students and staff members alike. It can take on many different forms, but it typically involves one or more individuals hurting or insulting others. Acts of kindness can help to reduce the risk of bullying. In fact, a study published in the Professional Psychology journal found that “teaching kindness in schools can reduce bullying in groups by up to 60%.”
  1. Kindness can help students feel more connected to others.
    Bullying can make it difficult for students to feel close to others. It can make it difficult for them to build relationships and feel part of a community. Teaching kindness in schools can help them overcome these challenges.
  1. Kindness can help reduce online bullying.
    Teaching kindness in schools can help to reduce online bullying. In fact, a study published in the Pediatrics journal found that “teaching kindness in schools can reduce bullying by up to 57%.”
  1. Kindness can help reduce social anxiety.
    Social anxiety is a problem that can cause students to feel shy and uncomfortable around others. It can make it difficult for them to connect with others. Teaching kindness in schools can help reduce social anxiety. In fact, a study published in the Social Psychological and Personality Science journal found that “teaching kindness in schools can reduce social anxiety by up to 51%.”

These reasons are all valid for teaching kindness in schools. Teaching kindness can help to reduce bullying, reduce social anxiety, and reduce the spread of bullying.

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