Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Educators?

Throughout the years, robots have taken over many jobs. Initially, they replaced horses and wagons and horses and plows, then they started to replace people. 

So, here’s the question that has been plaguing the education world: “Will artificial intelligence  replace educators?”

What is Artificial Intelligence in Teaching?

China is letting artificial intelligence in the classroom for many reasons. The biggest use for artificial intelligence in Chinese classrooms is in the form of facial recognition tech. Their school systems use artificial intelligence as an educator’s assistant, per se, to take attendance. This tech is also capable of handling new school enrollments.

China also uses artificial intelligence to analyze educators as they teach the kids and monitor their learners’ performance.

What about in America? How is artificial intelligence used in teaching here?

If you’ve ever heard of a diagnostic test for placing a learner in a curriculum or for customizing a curriculum to meet a learner’s need, then you’ve encountered artificial intelligence in education. If you’re familiar with this form of artificial intelligence in the classroom, you probably already know how much artificial intelligence can improve learner outcomes.

What Is an Artificial Intelligence Educator?

The artificial intelligence educator, otherwise known as the mechanical educator, is a computer that can teach a learner according to the level it’s programmed to teach. 

So Why Do We Need a Human Educator?

Although the thought of an infallible computer teaching your kid might seem promising, artificial intelligence cannot adapt its teaching to its learner mid-lesson or read its learner’s emotions, as a human educator can. It cannot further simplify problems that learners have problems with unless it’s programmed to do so. It also cannot inspire its learners like a human educator can. The biggest benefit of the human educator is that they give their learners that human connection. 

Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Educators?

Some believe that educators will be replaced by robots by the year 2027. One reason for this is that there is a demand for educators today that is not being met. 

Additionally, human educators do carry with them some disadvantages. Some educators are selfish. Some can be complacent. Some may not be as knowledgeable about specific subjects as they should be. These deficiencies can be corrected however, through management and proper monitoring.

If you ask anyone the qualities of a good educator, artificial intelligence cannot meet these standards. 

Here are a few:

·      Friendly attitude

·      Listening skills

·      Respectful attitude

·      Strong work ethic

·      Patient

·      Discipline Skills

·      Adept at creating a kid-friendly environment.


Artificial intelligence cannot replace educators. They can’t always give a kid what they need. Learners need the love, learner-educator rapport, and collaboration that artificial intelligence cannot provide.However, this does not mean that artificial intelligence is not necessary. Artificial intelligence is wonderful in a classroom! It makes the human educator’s job easier and helps her to be more efficient. This added efficiency gives her the time she needs to work more one-on-one with her learners. Adaptability and further understanding, of course, are two other things that an artificial intelligence educator would struggle to provide.

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