Win a Classroom Library of Diverse Books


In today’s interconnected world, diversity and inclusion have taken center stage in education. As educators, it is crucial to nurture open-minded discussions and challange preconceived notions among students. To help achieve this, we are pleased to introduce the “Win a Classroom Library of Diverse Books” contest. This contest will enrich your classroom library with books that celebrate diverse perspectives, cultures, and experiences.

Why Diverse Books are Important:

Diverse books are crucial in fostering respect and empathy for people from various backgrounds. They provide a window into the lives of others, allowing students to broaden their horizons and develop an appreciation for different cultures, beliefs, and lifestyles. Additionally, diverse books play a central role in facilitating inclusive learning environments, making students feel seen and understood.

The Impact on Students:

When students have access to diverse literature that represents their own experiences or those of others in their communities, it can create a sense of belonging and instil pride in their identities. Moreover, these books can inspire rich discussions about social issues such as tolerance, acceptance, discrimination, privilege, and bias. Exposure to diverse stories also fosters a student’s emotional intelligence and critical thinking skills.

How to Enter the Contest:

Entering the “Win a Classroom Library of Diverse Books” contest is simple:

1. Register your school or educational institution online by providing your name, email address, details about your school or institution (name and location), grade level you teach and class size.

2. Submit a one-page essay describing how your classroom would benefit from winning these diverse books. In your essay, explain the impact these books would have on your students’ overall development.

3. Share your entry on social media using the hashtag #WinDiverseBooksContest to spread awareness about the importance of diversity in education.

Contest Rules and Dates:

1. The contest begins on [starting date] and submission deadline is [ending date].

2. Winners will be selected by a panel of diverse educators, authors, and literacy experts.

3. Prizes include a curated set of diverse books suitable for your grade level, handpicked by renowned educators and authors.


The “Win a Classroom Library of Diverse Books” contest is a unique opportunity for educators to enrich their curriculum and showcase the importance of diversity in schools. By participating, you not only advocate for inclusivity but also encourage continued growth in young minds. Nations will prosper if our future generations are equipped with an open mindset that values human dignity and respects differences.

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