Writing a Behaviour Policy


A behaviour policy is an essential component of any school, organization, or institution that seeks to create a positive and productive environment. The purpose of such a policy is to outline the expectations for conduct and provide guidelines for addressing both appropriate and inappropriate behaviours. By having a well-written policy in place, you help promote a culture of respect, accountability, and shared values among members of your community. This article will provide an overview of the key elements needed to create an effective behaviour policy.

Setting Clear Expectations

The first step in creating a solid behaviour policy is establishing clear expectations and rules outlining acceptable and unacceptable conduct within your organization. These guidelines should be detailed enough to provide members with a thorough understanding of what behaviours are expected of them, as well as foresee potential issues that may arise. Be sure to include:

1. Rules of conduct: Define the general principles governing behaviour within your organization (e.g., respect, honesty, accountability).

2. Specific guidelines: Outline specific actions or behaviours that are unacceptable (e.g., bullying, harassment, cheating) and their potential consequences.

3. A code of conduct: Provide examples or scenarios that illustrate the type of conduct expected from members. This can help clarify expectations and prevent misunderstandings.

Involving Stakeholders

To ensure that your behaviour policy resonates with all members of your organization, it’s essential to involve representative stakeholders in the development process. This may include teachers, employees, parents, administrators or community members who are invested in the success and well-being of your organization. Gathering input from these individuals will help you create a policy that reflects the unique values and needs of your community.

Establishing Consequences

A good behavioural policy outlines the consequences associated with various types of misconduct. Consider grouping actions into different categories based on severity (e.g., minor infractions vs severe breaches) to ensure that consequences align with the seriousness of the behaviour. Include information about potential disciplinary actions, such as verbal warnings, written warnings, suspension and termination.

Encouraging Positive Behaviour

While it’s crucial to address negative actions within your behaviour policy, also consider including strategies for promoting positive behaviour among members of your organization. You might implement a recognition program that acknowledges individuals who demonstrate exceptional conduct or create opportunities for ongoing professional development. Similarly, encourage members to provide feedback about the effectiveness of your behaviour policy and suggest amendments as needed.

Implementing and Communicating Your Policy

Once finalized, make sure your behaviour policy is readily accessible to all members of your organization. Provide multiple formats (e.g., print, digital) and offer training sessions to review the policy’s key components. Regularly update and evaluate the policy based on feedback and emerging trends to ensure its ongoing relevance and efficacy.


Creating an effective behaviour policy is an essential part of fostering a positive environment within any organization. By setting clear expectations, involving stakeholders in the development process, establishing consequences for misconduct, encouraging positive behaviours and effectively communicating your policy to all members, you will lay the groundwork for a culture that promotes respect, accountability, and shared values.

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