Writing In the Classroom With Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated instruction has helped develop many students, and it is an approach that should be widely used in all classrooms. Why? That’s simple – because it is very effective. Students will know that their needs are listened to, and they will respond better, but what exactly is differentiated instruction? Let’s go over the basics.

Differentiated Instruction – The Basics

Differentiated instruction is one of the many approaches to classroom learning. It involves customizing learning material, processes, and products for every student. This way, every student has their outcomes to meet in their own timeframe. 

Strategies Of Differentiated Instruction

There are three main ways in which you can differentiate instruction:

  1. Differentiation of Content
  2. Differentiation of Process
  3. Differentiation of Product

How To Differentiate Instruction

Differentiated instruction takes into consideration many factors when it comes to writing. As an instructor, you need to look at these variables to find the best approach. Here are some of the factors to look into:

  1. Readiness
  2. Interest
  3. Learning Profile

Differentiated Instruction In Writing

There are many options you can utilize in writing, but first, you have to examine the students’ readiness. You could use one of the many kinds of tests, or you could use a GPA calculator for older students.

Once you are done with the assessment, you can move on to the actual process of differentiation. Let’s go over some of the basic strategies.

Tiered Assignments

Tiered assignments have the same content for every student. However, the outcome and the process are different. You can provide each student a topic to write on. However, all students will have a different approach to writing it and will have a different product. For this strategy, most topics are open-ended, so the result varies in terms of depth. 

Interest Groups

Here, all students are divided into groups. They can choose a topic of interest and write on that. This builds teamwork, as it helps students work together on a similar interest. 

Choice Boards

Choice boards have two variables – content and process. You can add various topics to a board and different processes through which the topic can be written. This helps students choose based on their interests and helps them complete challenging tasks. 


Compacting provides room for the students and the teacher. In this strategy, the teacher can use any topic or skill they think the student is already skilled at. However, they should focus on areas where they might need help. 

Learning Contracts

This is a complete plan. It involves active communication between the instructor and the student. This strategy lays out a plan through which a student can complete their objective with the teacher’s help in the process. 

Concluding Thoughts

These are some of the ways through which differentiated instruction can be applied in writing. It helps the students improve, but it also builds a bond between the teacher and the student. Differentiated instruction may be the secret ingredient you’re missing in your classroom.

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