13 Strategies to Help Learners Who Are Easily Confused

Are you looking for strategies to help students who are easily confused? If so, keep reading.

1. Get the student’s vision reviewed if it has not been recently reviewed.

2. Make sure that all directions, explanations, and instructions are delivered concisely.

3. Teach the student instruction-following skills (e.g., stop doing other things; listen to what is being said; do not begin until all information is delivered; question any directions, explanations, and instructions you do not understand).

4. Teach the student to rely on environmental signals when moving about the school and related areas (e.g., look for signs, room numbers, familiar surroundings, etc.).

5. Make sure the student knows how to ask questions, ask for instructions, etc.

6. Teach the student a survival/directional word vocabulary (e.g., ladies, gentlemen, push, pull, left, right, etc.).

7. Get the student to orally repeat/rephrase instructions and information given so that the instructor can give clarification and redirection of the given information.

8. Get the student to practice discovering several places in the school building before or after school or during classes when few other students are in the halls.

9. Get the student to practice discovering places in the school building by following oral instructions, written instructions, instructions from teachers or other students, etc.

10. Get the student to follow a schedule of daily activities as they move from space to space in the school.

11. Pair the student with a peer who has a similar class schedule to have a peer who can direct the student if they get lost or confused.

12. Get the student to learn to use a floor plan to find specific rooms, hallways, and areas while following their daily class or work schedule.

13. Make sure the student has designated teachers or peers who act as a source of information within the school.

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