14 Ways to Encourage Kids to Learn New Things

Are you looking for ways to encourage kids to learn new things? If so, keep reading.

1. Provide the student a list of keywords, phrases, or main points to learn for each new concept introduced.

2. Compose sentences, passages, paragraphs, etc., for the student to read that reinforce new ideas.

3. Get the student to review new ideas each day for a short duration of time rather than two or three times per week for longer periods.

4. Give the student chances to use new ideas regularly throughout the day.

5. Get the student to highlight or underline keywords, phrases, and sentences from reading tasks, newspapers, magazines, etc.

6. Get the student to quiz others (e.g., teacher, aide, peers, etc.) about new ideas.

7. Select a peer to take part in daily drill learning activities with the student.

8. Do not require the student to learn more information than they are capable of learning at any time.

9. Record essential information. The student can replay the recording as often as appropriate.

10. Let the student use resources to help them successfully perform tasks (e.g., calculator, multiplication tables, abacus, dictionary, a peer, etc.).

11. Make the student use information resources (e.g., encyclopedia, dictionary, etc.) to successfully perform tasks.

12. Give the student several times throughout the day when they can take part in drill learning activities with the teacher, aide, peer, etc.

13. Assess the appropriateness of the task to determine (a) if the task is too easy, (b) if the task is too complicated, and (c) if the duration of time scheduled for the task is sufficient.

14. Consider using one of the apps and tools from our many app lists. These apps are designed to help students who are experiencing academic difficulties.

28 of the Best Apps for Kids in Kindergarten28 of the Best Apps for Kids in the First Grade

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28 of the Best Apps for Kids in the Eight Grade

27 of the Best Apps for Kids in the Ninth Grade33 of the Best Apps for Kids in the Tenth Grade20 of the Best Apps for Kids in the Eleventh Grade14 of the Best Apps for Kids in the Twelfth Grade

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