15 IKEA Hacks for the Classroom

IKEA’s affordable furniture and home products have a reputation for being both functional and modular, making them perfect for inventive hacks – especially in the classroom where budget and space are often in mind. Here are 15 ingenious ways to repurpose IKEA items to enhance learning environments, increase storage, and add a touch of creativity to any educational space.

1. Book Bins from TROFAST Storage Boxes

Transform TROFAST storage boxes into individual book bins for students. They’re just the right size for little hands and can easily be moved around the classroom.

2. RASKOG Cart as a Mobile Supply Station

Use a RASKOG utility cart to create a portable supply station. Fill it with art supplies, science experiment tools, or reading resources that can be wheeled to any group of students at a moment’s notice.

3. Magnetic Whiteboard from SPONTAN Magazine Rack

Flip a SPONTAN magazine rack on its side to make a magnetic whiteboard. Add magnets to hold visual aids or student work during presentations.

4. FINTORP Rail for Hanging Storage

Install FINTORP rails around the classroom to hang buckets filled with pens, pencils, or other small items, keeping desks clutter-free.

5. KALLAX Shelving Unit Room Divider

Arrange KALLAX shelving units back-to-back to divide your classroom into different learning areas, while also providing accessible storage.

6. BEKVAM Spice Rack for Bookshelves

Mount BEKVAM spice racks on the wall to create easy-to-reach bookshelves, perfect for displaying current reads or organizing subjects.

7. SKADIS Pegboard for Personalized Learning Stations

Customize SKADIS pegboards with hooks and containers to create individualized learning stations that can keep materials organized by subject or student.

8. STUVA Bench as Seating and Storage Combo

Turn STUVA storage benches into seating options that double as hidden compartments for books and larger classroom materials.

9. MOSSLANDA Picture Ledge for Displaying Student Work

Use MOSSLANDA picture ledges to showcase student artwork or feature star assignments without needing pins or tape that damage walls.

10. LACK Side Table as Student Workstations

Stack two LACK side tables on top of each other for an affordable and perfectly-sized student workstation with additional shelf space underneath.

11. GRUNDTAL Towel Holder as Paper Towel Dispenser

Attach GRUNDTAL towel holders under shelves or cabinets as an alternative way to dispense paper towels – neat and accessible!

12. VARIERA Box Organizers for Desk Drawers

Insert VARIERA box organizers inside desk drawers to sort classroom supplies like scissors, staplers, markers, making it easier for students and teachers to find what they need quickly.

13. FLISAT Table with TROFAST Bins for Sensory Play

Flip over a FLISAT children’s table and add TROFAST bins underneath each opening to hold tactile materials like sand, beans, or water for sensory play areas.

14. PLUGGIS Waste Sorting Bin as In/Out Mailboxes

Repurpose PLUGGIS waste sorting bins into in/out mailboxes for assignments or important papers that need to go back and forth between home and school.

15. BILLY Bookcase Transformation into Lockers

Convert BILLY bookcases into personal lockers by adding doors and assigning one shelf per student to store their belongings throughout the day.

These IKEA hacks not only save money but nurture an imaginative mindset among students when they see everyday items used in unconventional ways inside their classrooms.

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