15 Strategies to Help Students Who Leave Out, Change, or Reorganize Letters or Pieces of Sound While Spelling

Are you looking for strategies to help students who leave out, change, or reorganize letters or pieces of sound while writing? If so, keep reading.

1. Select a peer to take part in daily spelling word drills with the learner.

2. Get the learner to type their list of spelling words.

3. Cut a word apart letter by letter to make a puzzle. Get the learner to scramble the letters and then arrange them to spell the word.

4. Get the learner to keep a dictionary of most commonly misspelled words. Make the learner check the spelling of all words they are not certain are spelled correctly.

5. Do not require the learner to learn too many words at one time.

6. Provide the learner fewer words to learn to spell at one time. Spend extra time on each word until the learner can spell it correctly.

7. Get the learner to be a peer tutor to teach a spelling concept they have learned to another learner. This can serve as reinforcement for the learner.

8. Teach the learner why they need to spell words correctly (e.g., give the learner a concrete example of how each word can be used in their life.).

9. Get the learner to proofread all written work for omissions, substitutions, additions, or rearranged letters or sound units. Praise the learner for each correction made.

10. Give chances for the learner to read often, so they view in print those words they need to learn to spell.

11. Make sure that the learner’s spelling words are those that they see on a routine (schedule) basis, rather than infrequently, to enable correct spelling and use of the words.

12. Acknowledge quality work (e.g., display the learner’s work, congratulate the learner, etc.).

13. Spotlight, in the learner’s reading tasks, those letters or sound units the learner omits, substitutes, adds, or rearranges to direct the learner’s attention to the correct spelling of words.

14. Find those words the learner misspells by omitting, substituting, adding, or rearranging letters or sound units. Get the learner to practice spelling the words correctly in sentences written each day.

15. Consider using one of the tools from of spelling apps list.

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