15 Strategies to Teach Learners How to Find Their Way Around the School Campus

Are you looking for strategies to help students locate places on the school campus? If so, keep reading.

1. Get the student to question any directions, explanations, and instructions they do not understand.

2. Get a peer to escort the student when trying to find places in the school building.

3. Select a peer to model discovering places in the school building for the student.

4. Take the student on a personal tour of several places in the school building.

5. Restrict the number of places the student is required to find on their own. As the student shows success, slowly increase the number of places.

6. Create clear, concise written instructions or a map for the student to use to find places in the school building.

7. Create a color code for places in the school building (e.g., boys’ restroom doors painted red, girls’ restroom doors painted yellow, and names of other places, etc.).

8. Give universal symbols at places throughout the school building (e.g., restroom, cafeteria, library, etc.).

9. Get the student to run errands to specific places in the school building for practice in discovering places in the school building.

10. Notify other staff members that the student has difficulty discovering places in the school building, so assistance and supervision may be given.

11. Make sure the behavioral requirements are appropriate for the student’s abilities (e.g., discovering a place alone, discovering places with other students around, etc.).

12. Teach the student to ask for instructions when they have difficulty discovering places in the school building.

13. Be firm, fair, and consistent in applying consequences for behavior (e.g., appropriate behavior receives positive consequences; unacceptable behavior receives negative consequences).

14. Find regular routes the student is required to use to find places in the school building.

15. Get the student to carry a map of places in the school building.

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