15 Ways to Support Kids Who Leave Out, Change, or Reorganize Letters or Pieces of Sound While Spelling

Are you looking for ways to support kids who leave out, change, or reorganize letters or pieces of sound while writing? If so, keep reading.

1. Give magnetic or felt letters for the learner to correctly sequence into spelling words.

2. Teach the learner spelling ideas at each level before introducing a new skill level.

3. Create a list of the words the learner misspells by omitting, substituting, adding, or rearranging letters or sound units. Get the learner to practice spelling the words correctly. Remove each word from the list as the learner shows mastery.

4. Provide commercial or teacher-made games that give practice spelling. The learner should have a personalized list of words for this practice.

5. Make the learner use the dictionary to find the correct spelling of any words they cannot spell correctly. Emphasize spelling accurately.

6. Get the learner to find a list of words (e.g., 5, 10, or 15 words) each week to learn to spell (e.g., if the learner is interested in cars, find words from automotive magazines, advertisements, etc.).

7. Utilize daily drills to help the learner memorize spelling words.

8. Find those words the learner misspells by omitting, substituting, adding, or rearranging letters or sound units. Get the learner to start and regularly update a personalized dictionary with the words they misspell to use as a reference.

9. Praise the learner for spelling words correctly: (a) give the learner a concrete reward (e.g., classroom privileges, line leading, 10 minutes of free time, etc.) or (b) give the learner an informal reward (e.g., praise, handshake, smile, etc.).

10. Make sure the learner correctly hears those letters or sound units omitted, substituted, added, or rearranged when spelling words. Get the learner to say the words aloud to ascertain if the learner is aware of the letters or sound units in words.

11. Get the learner to use current spelling words in a critical manner (e.g., writing a letter to a friend, rock star, famous athlete, etc.) to enable their desire to improve.

12. Give spelling practice using an app or a hand-held educational device that gives the learner instant feedback.

13. Minimize the emphasis on competition. Competitive learning activities may cause the learner to hurry and misspell words.

14. Give personalized apps that will let the learner practice their personal word list.

15. Consider using one of the tools from of spelling apps list.

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