16 Tips for Improving Student Vocabulary

Are you looking for tips for improving student vocabulary? If so, keep reading.

1. Refer to formerly presented information that is related to the topic when presenting new vocabulary.

2. Show the student how to classify new words as to category, function, antonym, etc.

3. Provide the student or let the student select a “word of the day” that is to be incorporated into conversations. Praise the student every time they use the word.

4. Urge the student to apply new vocabulary to personal encounters in written and oral work (e.g., “Can you think of another word to use for sleep?”).

5. Get the student to act out verbs and tag actions performed by classmates.

6. Get the student to demonstrate and find various verbs of the same category (e.g., walk, creep, slither, saunter, march, etc.).

7. Record the student’s spontaneous speech, noting specific words. Get the student to list other words that could be exchanged for the identified words (synonyms).

8. Put exciting images or objects on a table and have the student describe them in detail. Assist in formulating an appropriate vocabulary to use when describing the object.

9. Get the student to make up sentences or stories using new words they have learned.

10. Daily, examine new vocabulary words and their meanings. Get the student to use the words daily.

11. Get the student to give as many adjectives as possible to go with a given noun (e.g., “lady ” – pretty, tall, nice, etc.).

12. Provide the student an image of a specific place (e.g., grocery store) and have the student name as many objects, actions, persons, etc., as they can think of that can be found there.

13. Get the student to give associations for given words (e.g., circus – clown, elephant, trapeze, tent, lion tamer, etc.).

14. Utilize a multisensory approach to enable retention when teaching new vocabulary (e.g., use the scent of fragrant flowers or freshly baked spice cake to enable retention of the vocabulary word aroma).

15. Urge oral output. Boost the student’s chances to connect orally and give them with appropriate practice in using vocabulary.

16. Consider viewing our list of vocabulary building apps.

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