16 Ways to Teach Learners to Identify Grade Level Words

Are you looking for ways to teach student to identify grade level words? If so, keep reading.

1. Create a list of main points from the student’s reading content, written on the student’s reading level.

2. Give the student many high interest reading learning materials (e.g., comic books, magazines, etc.) to practice sight words.

3. Minimize the amount of content the student reads at one time (e.g., lessen reading content to individual sentences or one paragraph, etc.). As the student shows success, slowly increase the amount of content to be read at one time.

4. Record complicated reading content for the student to listen to as they read along.

5. Alter or adjust reading learning materials to the student’s capacity and ability level.

6. Establish a system of reinforcers, either concrete (e.g., computer time, helper for the day, etc.) or informal (e.g., smile, praise, handshake, etc.) to urge the student to be more successful in reading.

7. Record lectures to give an additional source of information for the student.

8. Urge the student to read content with many illustrations and context clues to support learning new sight words.

9. Make sure that the reading requirements of all subjects and tasks are within the capacity and ability level of the student. If they are not, adjust the reading content to the student’s capacity and ability level.

10. Get the student to dictate stories that are then put in print for them to read, placing emphasis on reading skills.

11. Compose paragraphs and short stories requiring skills the student is presently developing. The passages must be of interest to the student using their name, family members, friends, pets, and exciting experiences.

12. Create a learning center area for the student where an assortment of information is available in content areas.

13. Make sure that the student’s knowledge of a particular skill is being assessed rather than the student’s capacity and ability to read instructions. Reading instructions to the student may enable success.

14. Consider using AI to teach reading comprehension.

15. Consider using Alexa to teach reading skills.

16. Try using one of our many apps designed to teach literacy skills and help students with reading issues:

10 Apps That Teach Your Child to Read

7 Must-Have Apps to Make Learners Love Reading

7 Must-Have Phonics Apps and Tools

9 Reading Apps and Tools for the Elementary Classroom

The Tech Edvocate’s List of 24 Literacy Apps, Tools & Resources

10 Apps to Teach Children Early Literacy Skills

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