20 Hacks to Help Learners That Ignore the Sounds in Their Environment

Are you looking for hacks to help students that ignore sounds in their environment? If so, keep reading.

1. Inform the student that instructions will only be given once and that you will not remind them to follow the instructions.

2. Provide simple, specific instructions as to what the student is to do.

3. Talk regularly with the student to help them pay attention to the source of the sound.

4. Get the student to orally repeat directions, explanations, and instructions after they have been given to reinforce retention.

5. Get a peer, paraprofessional, friend, etc. to signal the student when they need to keep attention. (e.g., the person can touch the student on the arm when it is time to listen).

6. Get the student’s hearing reviewed if it has not been reviewed recently.

7. Select a peer to model answering information from any place in the classroom for the student.

8. Find the student’s preferred learning style and use it continuously to increase the likelihood of comprehension and remaining on-task for longer periods.

9. Urge the student to avoid ingesting any substance (e.g., drugs, alcohol, cold remedies, etc.) that might alter their capacity and ability to direct or keep attention.

10. Train the student to ask people to repeat portions of a conversation they were unable to follow.

11. Train the student to carry a notepad with them at all times and to write information down to help them remember.

12. Train the student to listen for crucial information when being given instructions or receiving information from a distance (e.g., write down main points, ideas, step-by-step instructions, etc.).

13. Train the student to keep attention to the source of information by keeping eye contact, keeping hands free from other learning materials, and reducing other distractions.

14. Train the student to write down oral instructions and cross each one off as it is finished.

15. Let logical consequences happen due to the student’s failure to follow oral instructions or pay attention to the information given in public places.

16. Get the student to take notes when instructions are being given following the “What, How, Learning materials, and On occasions where” format.

17. Create rules for listening (e.g., listen to instructions, ask questions about instructions if they are not grasped, follow the instructions, etc.). These rules should be consistent and followed by everyone in the classroom. Talk about the rules often.

18. Provide consistency in the manner in which oral questions are asked and instructions are given.

19. Praise the student for paying attention to the information presented from any place in the classroom: (a) give the student a concrete reward (e.g., privileges such as leading the line, handing out learning materials, 10 minutes of free time, etc.) or (b) give the student an informal reward (e.g., praise, handshake, smile, etc.).

20. Make sure that directions, explanations, or instructions are delivered loudly enough to be heard by the student.

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