20 Humpty Dumpty Activities for Preschoolers


Humpty Dumpty, a classic nursery rhyme character, is an excellent tool for engaging preschoolers in various learning activities. From exploring science concepts to developing language skills, these 20 Humpty Dumpty activities will make your preschool lessons more interactive and enjoyable.

1. Humpty Dumpty Puzzle: Print a picture of Humpty Dumpty, cut it into pieces, and have the children work together to assemble it like a jigsaw puzzle.

2. Egg Drop Challenge: Let the kids design “safety nests” for eggs with materials like straws and cotton balls, then drop them from different heights to see if Humpty Dumpty survives.

3. Storytelling Circle: Encourage children to create their own version of the Humpty Dumpty story using props or puppets.

4. Egg Races: Organize relay races where children balance an egg on a spoon and race to the finish line.

5. Rhyming Words Hunt: Write pairs of rhyming words inspired by the nursery rhyme on separate cards. Have preschoolers match the cards while practicing rhyming words identification.

6. Humpty Dumpty Coloring Pages: Provide coloring pages featuring different scenes from the rhyme for artistic expression.

7. Craft an Egg Character: Children can use various craft items to create their own version of Humpty Dumpty using a hard-boiled or plastic egg.

8. Wall Building Activity: Set up blocks or cardboard boxes, allowing children to build walls for Humpty Dumpty and explore balance and stability.

9. Acting Out the Rhyme: Students can take turns reciting the nursery rhyme while using props or costumes to act it out.

10. Sequencing Activity: Cut out pictures depicting the scenes of the nursery rhyme and have preschoolers arrange them in order.

11. Pin the Tail on Humpty: Create a large image of Humpty Dumpty and let children take turns pinning a tail on him while blindfolded.

12. Humpty Dumpty Reading Corner: Set up a cozy reading corner with various versions of the nursery rhyme for independent exploration.

13. Eggshell Mosaic Art: Use crushed eggshells to create colorful mosaic designs on paper or canvas.

14. Letter Recognition Game: Write letters on small wooden blocks and hide them in shredded paper. Children must then sift through the “nest” to find and identify the letters.

15. Nursery Rhyme Bingo: Create bingo cards that feature images related to the Humpty Dumpty rhyme, and play a game of Bingo.

16. Shape Matching Game: Cut out different shapes and have children match them to the corresponding wall outline to help Humpty Dumpty sit properly.

17. Wall Climbing Activity: Set up a climbing wall for children with various footholds inspired by the nursery rhyme.

18. Music and Movement: Arrange a sing-along session while incorporating dance moves relating to the events in the rhyme.

19. Science Experiment: Demonstrate how vinegar can dissolve eggshells, illustrating the importance of taking care of fragile objects like Humpty Dumpty.

20. Creating a Rhyme Book: Staple blank pages together, allowing preschoolers to illustrate their own book based on the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme.


These 20 engaging activities will not only strengthen preschoolers’ understanding of the classic Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme but also reinforce essential language and cognitive skills. Remember that learning should be hands-on, interactive, and fun!

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