20 Innovative Techniques to Help Kids Realize Their Academic Potential

Are you looking for innovative techniques to help kids realize their academic potential? If so, keep reading.

1. Show instructions in the student’s preferred learning style (e.g., visual, auditory, etc.).

2. Have tasks read to the student.

3. Coordinate a time for the student to study with a peer tutor before finishing a task to be graded.

4. Praise those students in the classroom who show improvement on academic tasks and homework performance.

5. Draft an agreement with the student stipulating what behavior is required (e.g., finishing a task with_% accuracy) and which reinforcement will be implemented when the agreement has been met.

6. Give a time during the day when the student can receive assistance at school if they have difficulty finishing homework tasks with minimal accuracy.

7. Place the student near the source of information to keep their attention (e.g., in the front row or near the speaker during a lecture).

8. Observe the student’s performance to detect errors and determine where learning problems exist.

9. Manage tasks by dividing them into small segments. Designate a deadline for each segment and reward the student after finishing each segment of the task.

10. Converse with the student to explain (a) what he/she is doing wrong (e.g., performing below their capacity and ability level, failing tasks, etc.) and (b) what they must be doing (e.g., improving their academic task and homework performance).

11. Give repetition and drill to ensure that the student achieves minimal accuracy on tasks (i.e., require mastery/minimal accuracy before moving to the next skill level).

12. Select a peer to work a few problems with the student to serve as a model and help the student begin a task.

13. Do not expect mastery too soon after introducing new information, skills, etc.

14. Give the student written reminders of task sequences.

15. Provide the student written/oral repetition to aid in the retention of information.

16. Coordinate for individual tasks when the group setting is overly distracting.

17. Let the student use educational aids to assist in the conclusion of tasks (e.g., calculator, dictionary, models of tasks, etc.).

18. Get the student to use word processing programs that check spelling, grammar, etc.

19. Let/require the student to correct tasks after they have been reviewed the first time.

20. Consider using one of the apps and tools from our many app lists. These apps are designed to help students who are experiencing academic difficulties.

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