20 Strategies to Help Learners Who Throw Temper Tantrums

Are you looking for strategies to help students who throw temper tantrums? If so, keep reading.

1. Assess the situations in which the student throws temper tantrums. Based on these observations, determine ways to prevent situations from stimulating the student to throw temper tantrums.

2. Attempt several groupings to ascertain the situation in which the student is most comfortable.

3. Give the student many chances for social and academic success.

4. Take the time to talk with the student, so the student realizes that your interest in them is genuine.

5. Teach/demonstrate methods for dealing with problems early to prevent problems from becoming overwhelming.

6. Urge and help the student to make friends (e.g., pair the student with a peer and when that relationship is successful, introduce them to other peers).

7. Show the student that feelings of unhappiness are natural, but there is an appropriate duration of time for public display of that emotion.

8. On occasions where logical consequences occur as a result of the student’s throwing temper tantrums, point them out to the student (e.g., peers prefer not to interact with him/her; property is damaged or destroyed, resulting in loss of use or costly replacement; etc.).

9. Give the student as many positive interactions as possible (e.g., recognize the student, greet the student, compliment their attire, etc.).

10. Give the student preferred duties throughout the school environment.

11. Teach and urge the student to use problem-solving skills: (a) find the problem, (b) find goals and objectives, (c) create strategies, (d) create a plan for action, and (e) carry out the plan.

12. Make sure that reinforcement is not provided for unacceptable behavior(i.e., paying attention to the student only when they throw a temper tantrum).

13. Make sure that the consequences for both appropriate and unacceptable behavior are consistent.

14. Urge and assist the student in joining extracurricular learning activities, clubs, etc.

15. Move the student away from the peer(s) who may be causing their unhappiness.

16. Consider using an adaptive behavior management app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

17. Click here to learn about six bonus strategies for challenging problem behaviors and mastering classroom management.

18. Consider using a socio-emotional learning app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

19. Consider using an emotional intelligence app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

20. Consider using a school counseling app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

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