21 Hacks for Encouraging Learners to Complete Their Homework

Are you looking for hacks for encouraging students to complete their homework? If so, keep reading.

1. Coordinate with the student’s parents to pick up homework each day if the student has difficulty “remembering” to it home.

2. Create a timeline for finishing a project. Expect the student to meet each deadline to finish the project on time.

3. Do not use homework as a punishment (i.e., additional work should not be assigned as a consequence of unacceptable behavior at school or as a consequence of not preparing for school tasks).

4. Urge the parents to set aside quiet time each night when the family turns off the TV, radio, etc., to read, do homework, write letters, etc.

5. Get the student to keep sample letters, reports, forms, etc., as references for finishing homework tasks.

6. Urge the student to create a routine (schedule) for themselves. Get the student to create a weekly schedule and a weekend schedule. Get the student to create a chart for daily homework tasks to be finished.

7. Connect with the student’s parents by sending home explanations of Learning Interventions: Strategies to Help their child with homework if it is appropriate for the student to receive help.

8. Get the student to create problem-solving skills: • Find the problem (e.g., not finishing homework, not returning finished homework to school). • Find the goals and objectives. • Create a strategy/plan for action. • Carry out the plan. • Assess the results.

9. Plan the student’s time at school so that homework will not be appropriate if they take advantage of the school time provided to finish tasks.

10. Draft an agreement with the student stipulating what behavior is required (e.g., finishing homework tasks and returning them to school) and which reinforcement will be implemented when the agreement has been met.

11. Assess the appropriateness of giving the student tasks that require copying if the student’s capacity and ability level makes it impossible for them to finish the task.

12. Conference with parents to discuss appropriate ways to help the student with homework.

13. Urge the parents to give the student a quiet, comfortable space and sufficient time to do homework.

14. Urge the parents to reward the student for following homework rules. Possible rewards include oral praise (e.g., “Thank you for finishing your homework before going to the mall.”), a kiss on the cheek, a hug, staying up late, watching a favorite TV show, renting a video, etc.

15. Select a peer to help the student with homework.

16. Assess the appropriateness of assigning the student homework if their capacity and ability level or circumstances at home make it impossible for them to finish and return the tasks.

17. Create a task sheet for the student. Talk with the student’s parents so they are aware of the task sheet and the work that should be finished each night. Ask the parents to sign the task sheet so the teacher is aware that the parents reviewed it.

18. Ask the parents to review the student’s homework duties after school so the student knows what they are expected to do that evening.

19. Make sure the student has all the learning materials appropriate prior to beginning a task to lessen unnecessary distractions.

20. Get the student to ask for help when they need it.

21. Consider using an education app to help the student sharpen their organizational skills. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

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