21 Hacks for Teaching Learners to Allow Others to Take Part in Learning Activities or Games

Are you looking for hacks to teach students to allow others to take part in activities? If so, keep reading.

1. Make sure the student knows that failing to interact properly with peers during learning activities may result in termination of the game and/or loss of future chances to take part in learning activities.

2. Develop learning activities in which each student takes short turns. Increase the length of each student’s turn as the student shows success at taking turns.

3. Create a set of standard behavior rules for group games: • Follow up rules of the game. • Take turns. • Make positive remarks. • Compete as a team member. • Be an excellent sport. Examine rules often. Praise students for following the rules.

4. Let logical consequences happen when the student fails to allows other students to have a turn (e.g., other students will not want to interact with him/her, other students will not be willing to take turns, etc.).

5. Converse with the student before playing a game and remind the student of the importance of taking turns.

6. Give the student a predetermined signal when they begin to display unacceptable behaviors.

7. Make sure there is adult supervision when the student is playing games with others.

8. Do not force the student to interact with someone with whom they are not entirely comfortable.

9. Make sure the student does not become involved in overstimulating learning activities in which they get excited and cannot settle down.

10. Always treat the student with the utmost respect. Talk objectively at all times.

11. Intervene early and often when there is a problem to prevent more severe problems from happening.

12. Teach the student to take turns (e.g., each student may use the colored pencils for 15 minutes, each student may have three turns, etc.).

13. Connect with the parents(e.g., note home, phone calls, etc.) to disseminate information about the student’s progress. The parents may reinforce the student at home for taking turns at school.

14. Draft an agreement with the student stipulating what behavior is required (e.g., taking turns) and which reinforcement will be implemented when the agreement has been met.

15. Praise those students in the classroom who takes turns.

16. Talk with the student to explain(a) what the student is doing wrong (e.g., failing to give other students chances to have a turn) and (b) what the student should be doing (e.g., allowing others to have a turn).

17. Praise the student for taking turns: (a) give the student a concrete reward (e.g., privileges such as leading the line, handing out learning materials, 10 minutes of free time, etc.) or (b) give the student an informal reward (e.g., praise, handshake, smile, etc.).

18. Consider using a classroom management app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

19. Consider using an adaptive behavior management app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

20. Consider using Alexa to help the student learn to behave appropriately. Click here to read an article that we wrote on the subject.

21. Click here to learn about six bonus strategies for challenging problem behaviors and mastering classroom management.

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