21 Memory Tips for Forgetful Kids

Are you looking for memory tips for forgetful kids? If so, keep reading.

1. Support the student in developing a chart to follow that will let them finish all tasks.

2. Separate at several points during the presentation of information to verify the student’s comprehension.

3. Urge the student to eat a balanced diet and get plenty of rest to enable their memory.

4. Get the student to use electronic reminders to assist them in following a routine (schedule) (e.g., a programmable watch, computer programs, voice mail, etc.).

5. Give the student environmental signals and prompts (e.g., lists of jobs to perform, schedule of daily activities, bell, timer, etc.).

6. Provide a consistent sequence of learning activities to enable the student’s success (e.g., the student has math every day at one o’clock, recess at two o’clock, etc.).

7. Urge the student to create a routine (schedule) for themselves by developing a weekly schedule and a weekend schedule. Support the student in developing a chart for daily tasks to be finished.

8. Give the student frequent chances to say sequences throughout the day to enable memory skills.

9. Let the student highlight sequential information in written learning materials.

10. Train the student to imagine the steps required to finish a task before starting that task.

11. Make sure the learning activities in which the student engages are not too complicated for him/her.

12. Designate a task that involves instant, short-term steps.

13. Teach the student to make reminders for themselves (e.g., notes, lists, etc.).

14. Assist the student in using memory aids.

15. Get the student to keep notes, written reminders, etc., to remember sequences.

16. Select various people (e.g., peer, counselor, paraprofessional, etc.) to help the student improve their memory skills.

17. Make it pleasant and positive for the student to ask questions about things they do not understand. Praise the student by assisting, congratulating, etc.

18. Train the student to post needed sequential information in a readily accessible place (e.g., folder, on desktop, in front of the textbook, etc.).

19. Urge the student to practice patience and follow the appropriate steps in tasks. If the student is impatient, they are more likely to omit appropriate steps in a sequence.

20. Get the student to practice remembering sequences by engaging in sequential learning activities that are purposeful to them (e.g., operating equipment, following recipes, opening a combination lock, etc.).

21. Consider using an education app to help the student enhance their memory. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

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