21 Simple Ways to Help Kids Who Only Listen When Someone Makes Eye Contact with Them

Are you looking for simple ways to help students who only listen when someone makes eye contact with them? If so, keep reading.

1. Praise the student for listening based on the duration of time the student can be successful. As the student shows success, slowly increase the duration of time required for reinforcement.

2. Get the student to orally repeat instructions, explanations, and directions after they have been given to enable retention.

3. Get the student to take notes when instructions are being given following the “What, How, Learning materials, and On occasions where” format.

4. Get the student to take notes when information is orally presented.

5. Get the student to listen and takes notes for “Who, What, Where, On occasions where, How, and Why” while ideas are presented.

6. Get the student’s hearing reviewed if it has not been recently reviewed.

7. Show instructions following the outline of (1) What, (2) How, (3) Learning materials, and (4) On occasions where.

8. Train the student to keep attention to the source of information by keeping eye contact, keeping hands free from other learning materials, and reducing other distractions.

9. Provide a consistent format in which information is orally presented.

10. Provide visibility to and from the student at all times to ensure that the student is attending.

11. Let logical consequences happen as a result of the student’s failure to listen (e.g., the failure to respond correctly, a failing grade, etc.).

12. Assess the visual and auditory stimuli in the classroom and remove or lessen unnecessary environmental stimuli.

13. Make the curriculum important to the student (e.g., explain the purpose of a task, relate the curriculum to the student’s environment, etc.).

14. Move materials used for tactile stimulation (e.g., pens, paper clips, loose change, etc.) away from the student’s reach.

15. Get the student to question any directions, explanations, or instructions they do not understand.

16. Urge the student to create an understanding of themselves and their surroundings. Train the student to periodically step back and ask themselves, “Am I keeping eye contact?” “What should I be doing now?”

17. Plan essential learning activities , tasks, and lectures at times when the student is most likely to keep attention (e.g., one hour after medication, 45 minutes after lunch, first thing in the morning, etc.). Inform the student what to listen for when being given instructions or receiving information, etc.

18. Show ideas following the outline of (1) Who, (2) What, (3) Where, (4) On occasions where, (5) How, and (6) Why.

19. Give chances for the student to talk to others on a one-to-one basis. As the student becomes more successful at keeping attention and eye contact, slowly include more people in conversations.

20. Minimize visual and auditory stimuli in and around the classroom that interfere with the student’s capacity and ability to listen successfully (e.g., close the classroom door and windows, draw ·the shades, etc.).

21. Consider using assistive technology designed to help students to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to concentrate. Click here to view list of assistive technology apps that we recommend.

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