21 Strategies to Help Learners Whose Writing Is Illegible

Are you looking for strategies to help students whose writing is illegible? If so, keep reading.

1. Let the student perform schoolwork in a quiet space (e.g., study carrel, library, resource room, etc.) to lessen distractions.

2. Give the student shorter tasks while increasing the quality of expectations.

3. Observe the student while they are performing schoolwork to monitor handwriting quality.

4. Give the student clearly stated criteria for acceptable work.

5. Get the student to read/go over schoolwork with the teacher so that the student can become aware of the quality of their work.

6. Give the student samples of work to serve as models for acceptable quality (e.g., the student is to match the quality of the sample before turning in the task).

7. Give the student additional time to perform schoolwork to achieve quality.

8. Teach the student procedures for doing quality work (e.g., listen to instructions, make sure instructions are grasped, work at an acceptable pace, check for errors, correct for neatness, copy the work over, etc.).

9. Recognize quality work (e.g., display the student’s work, congratulate the student, etc.).

10. Organize a preliminary evaluation of the work. Require the student to make appropriate corrections before final grading.

11. Create levels of expectations for quality handwriting performance. Require the student to correct or repeat tasks until the expectations are met.

12. Give the student quality learning materials to perform tasks (e.g., pencil with eraser, paper, dictionary, handwriting sample, etc.).

13. Give the student ample chance to master handwriting skills (e.g., instruction in letter positioning, direction, spacing, etc.).

14. Give the student an appropriate model of handwriting (e.g., other students’ work, teacher samples, commercial samples, etc.) to use at their desks.

15. Exhibit appropriate handwriting at all times.

16. Give a multitude of handwriting chances for the student to practice handwriting skills (e.g., writing letters to sports and entertainment figures, relatives, or friends; writing for free information on a topic in which the student is interested, etc.).

17. Get the student to trace handwriting models. Fade the models as the student develops the skill.

18. Slowly lessen the space between lines as the student’s handwriting improves.

19. Utilize primary paper to assist the student in sizing uppercase and lowercase letters. Utilize standard-lined paper when the student’s skills improve.

20. Utilize lined paper that is also vertically lined to teach the student appropriate spacing skills.

21. Consider using one of the apps on one of our best writing apps lists:

The Tech Edvocate’s List of 31 Grammar & Writing Apps, Tools & Resources

Ten Apps to Help Learners Develop Writing Skills

10 of the Best Grammar and Writing Apps for Elementary School Learners

11 of the Best Grammar and Writing Apps for High School Learners

10 of the Best Grammar and Writing Apps for Middle School Learners

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