22 Strategies to Help Learners Who Think That Everyone Dislikes Them

Are you looking for strategies to help students who think everyone dislikes them? If so, keep reading.

1. Give the student as many academic and social success as possible so peers may view them more positively.

2. Make the appropriate adjustments in their surroundings to prevent the student from experiencing stress, frustration, anger, etc.

3. Provide the student with additional duties (e.g., chores, errands, etc.) to give them a feeling of success or accomplishment.

4. Organize their surroundings so the student does not have time to dwell on real or imagined problems.

5. Take the time to listen so the student realizes your concern and interest.

6. Find more appropriate ways for the student to express their feelings.

7. Minimize stimuli that contribute to the student’s oral expression of unhappiness (e.g., seek input from the student as to what upsets him/her).

8. Separate the student from the peer(s) who stimulates the oral expression of unhappiness.

9. Praise those students in the classroom who deal with unhappiness appropriately.

10. Attempt several groupings to ascertain the situation in which the student is most comfortable.

11. Urge the student to take part in extracurricular learning activities that will help create skills that are appropriate to interact properly with others at school.

12. Make sure that oral expressions of unhappiness are not inadvertently reinforced (e.g., attention, getting their way, etc.).

13. Give the student alternative learning activities to perform in case some learning activities prove upsetting.

14. Minimize the emphasis on competition. Repeated failure may cause the student to feel that others do not like or care about him/her.

15. Urge and help the student to make friends (e.g., pair the student with a peer; when that relationship is successful, include other students).

16. On occasions where logical consequences occur as a result of the student’s displays of unhappiness, point them out to them (e.g., peers prefer not to interact with the student).

17. Give the student as many positive interactions as possible (e.g., recognize the student, greet the student, compliment attire, etc.).

18. Consider using an adaptive behavior management app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

19. Click here to learn about six bonus strategies for challenging problem behaviors and mastering classroom management.

20. Consider using a socio-emotional learning app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

21. Consider using an emotional intelligence app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

22. Consider using a school counseling app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

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