23 Clever Book Week Costume Ideas for Teachers to Inspire You in 2023

Book Week is an exciting time for teachers and students alike! It’s a chance to celebrate literature, stir up enthusiasm for reading, and of course, get creative with costumes! Whether you’re looking to embody a classic character or bring a modern favorite to life, here are 23 ingenious Book Week costume ideas for teachers that are sure to inspire and delight your students in 2023.

1. The Cat in the Hat – Dr. Seuss’s beloved character is always a hit. Don’t forget your red and white striped hat!

2. Mary Poppins – With a carpet bag and umbrella, you’ll be practically perfect in every way.

3. Willy Wonka – Embrace Roald Dahl’s magical candy creator complete with a top hat and purple jacket.

4. Miss Frizzle – From “The Magic School Bus,” don an outrageous dress with science-themed prints.

5. Sherlock Holmes – A deerstalker hat and pipe will have you solving mysteries through the day.

6. Gandalf the Grey – A long grey robe and wizard’s hat will appeal to “Lord of the Rings” fans.

7. Harry Potter – Round glasses, a lightning scar, and a Gryffindor scarf make this a timeless choice.

8. Katniss Everdeen – Embrace “The Hunger Games” with a mockingjay pin and bow and arrow.

9. Paddington Bear – Don’t forget your blue coat, red hat, and a jar of marmalade!

10. Alice in Wonderland – A blue dress paired with a white apron will take you down the rabbit hole.

11. Where’s Waldo? – A red striped shirt and beanie make this an easy yet iconic costume.

12. The Gruffalo – For those willing to go the extra mile with a full costume of horns, tusks, and orange eyes.

13. Matilda Wormwood – Channel Roald Dahl’s brilliant character with books in hand and a red ribbon in your hair.

14. The Snow Queen – A shimmering blue gown and crown will turn heads while evoking Hans Christian Andersen’s tale.

15. Atticus Finch – From “To Kill a Mockingbird,” wear a classic suit and bring along an impressive moral compass.

16. Elizabeth Bennet – Step into Jane Austen’s world with an empire waist dress from the Regency era.

17. Peter Pan – Never grow up with this fun costume complete with green tights and feathered cap.

18. The Lorax –Speak for the trees as this Dr. Seuss character in orange and yellow fur coat plus whiskers.

19. Madeline –A blue capelet over a white collared dress accompanied by a yellow hat symbolize this brave little girl.

20. Curious George & The Man with the Yellow Hat – Ideal for partner teachers looking for matching costumes!

21. Hester Prynne – An iconic figure from “The Scarlet Letter,” recognizable by her emblematic A pinned on her dress.

22. The Very Hungry Caterpillar – This can be an eye-catching costume created using green clothes and colorful shoes for the caterpillar segments!

23. Max from “Where the Wild Things Are” – Crown yourself king of the wild things in white pajamas adorned with furry monster feet and crown ears!

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