23 of My Favorite Activities to Liven Up All Learners


In the world of education, engaging students in meaningful and enjoyable learning experiences is a top priority. To help teachers liven up their classrooms and stimulate the minds of all learners, I’ve compiled a list of my 23 favorite activities. These activities cater to various learning styles and interests, which ultimately lead to increased engagement, understanding, and success.

1. Four Corners:

Assign each corner of the room with a different category or response. Pose a question, and have students move to the corner that aligns with their answer. This activity encourages movement, self-reflection, and peer discussion.

2. Brain Breaks:

Short breaks interwoven throughout the lesson to re-energize the mind and stimulate thinking.

3. Kahoot! or Quizizz:

Interactive online quiz games that can be used for review or assessment.

4. Pair-Share:

Students work together in pairs for short periods before sharing their findings with the class.

5. Think-Pair-Square:

Similar to pair-share but extends further as two pairs come together to discuss ideas more thoroughly.

6. Gallery Walk:

Students walk around the classroom observing displayed works, images, or texts before discussing them with their peers.

7. Stations Activity:

Multiple stations set up around the room, focusing on different skills or subjects for small groups of students to rotate through.

8. Socratic Seminars:

Students participate in an open dialogue on a topic or text by asking thought-provoking questions and critically assessing each other’s responses.

9. Jigsaw Learning:

Divide students into small groups where each group member becomes an ‘expert’ in one portion of a topic before teaching it to their peers.

10. Silent Discussions:

Students communicate using sticky notes or dry erase boards without verbal interaction.

11. Mini Debates:

Encourage critical thinking and persuasive skills by providing short debates on relevant issues or topics.

12. Vocabulary Games:

Enhance subject-related vocabulary using games like Pictionary, Taboo, or crossword puzzles.

13. RAFT Assignments:

Writing tasks where students take on a Role, Audience, Format, and Topic, allowing for creativity and engagement in the learning process.

14. Mind Mapping:

Visual representation of ideas and concepts that facilitates brainstorming and knowledge organization.

15. Peer Teaching:

Students take turns teaching a specific concept to their classmates to reinforce their understanding and improve communication skills.

16. Role Playing:

Simulating real-life scenarios or historical events to develop empathy, problem-solving, and collaborative abilities.

17. Project-Based Learning:

Hands-on approach that engages students in long-term projects centered around real-world issues or challenges.

18. Speed Dating Discussions:

Structured method of promoting rapid-fire conversations between rotating pairs of students to cover various topics in a limited time frame.

19. Philosophical Chairs:

A discussion format where students argue multiple perspectives on an issue and learn to appreciate differing viewpoints.

20. Sketchnoting:

Combining visual design with note-taking to assimilate information more effectively.

21. Experimental Learning:

Involving learners in practical experiments or demonstrations to make complex concepts easier to grasp.

22. Interactive Notebooks:

Personalized learning tool that allows students to organize information, explore content, and reflect on their understanding.

23. Flipped Classroom:

Transforming traditional classroom structure by introducing content at home before working on activities during class time with the teacher’s support.


The 23 activities listed above showcase the numerous ways teachers can liven up learning experiences for all types of learners. Implementing these strategies can lead to a more engaging, interactive classroom environment for both the educator and the students alike.

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