23 Strategies to Teach Learners Sequencing Skills

Are you looking for strategies to teach students sequencing skills? If so, keep reading.

1. Inspect the student’s comprehension of first, next, and last by having the student tell what happens during daily activities in first, next, and last order.

2. Give the student a recording of the story to listen to as they read along.

3. Get the student to write the main activities of stories as they read them.

4. Get the student to read one paragraph of a new account and make notes on the activities; then read the next section and make notes, etc.

5. Model making notes of a the series of activities as you read selections with the student.

6. Get the student to rephrase the series of activities in each paragraph read. The teacher can transcribe the paraphrased sequence, or the student can record it.

7. Assess the student’s auditory and visual short-term memory skills to ascertain which is stronger. Utilize the student’s stronger mode to enable the retention of sequential information.

8. Provide the student one task to perform at a time. Present the next task only when the student has successfully finished the prior task.

9. Teach the student to visualize information as if it were a movie; then play it back mentally when they need to verbalize it.

10. Get the student to practice repetition of information to increase short-term memory skills (e.g., repeating names, telephone numbers, dates of activities, etc.).

11. Teach the student to find the main idea of a story and causal relationships within the story to enable the recall of information in the correct order.

12. Get the student to practice remembering sequences by engaging in sequential learning activities that are purposeful to them (e.g., operating equipment, following recipes, opening a combination lock, etc.).

13. Utilize a flannel board to practice sequencing a familiar story or an ordinary action.

14. Get the student to be a peer tutor to teach another student a concept they have learned.

15. Give practice in sequencing using an app that gives the student instant feedback.

16. Make sure the student has mastery of reading ideas at each level before introducing a new skill level.

17. Make sure the student is not required to learn more information than they are capable of learning at any time.

18. Minimize the emphasis on competition. Competitive learning activities may cause the student to hurry and commit errors.

19. Minimize the amount of information on a page if it is causing visual distractions for the student (e.g., have less print to read, isolate information that is presented to the student, etc.).

20. Find the student’s most efficient learning mode and use it continuously to increase the likelihood of comprehension (e.g., If the student fails to understand the information presented orally, present it in written form. If the student has difficulty comprehending written information, present it orally.).

21. Consider using AI to teach reading comprehension.

22. Consider using Alexa to teach reading skills.

23. Try using one of our many apps designed to teach literacy skills and help students with reading issues:

10 Apps That Teach Your Child to Read

7 Must-Have Apps to Make Learners Love Reading

7 Must-Have Phonics Apps and Tools

9 Reading Apps and Tools for the Elementary Classroom

The Tech Edvocate’s List of 24 Literacy Apps, Tools & Resources

10 Apps to Teach Children Early Literacy Skills

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