25 Fun Facts About the Sun for Kids to Share in Your Science Classes

The Sun is the center of our solar system and without it, life on Earth would not exist. It provides light and warmth, and its gravity holds our planetary system together. Here are 25 fun facts about the Sun for kids to share in science classes.

1.The Sun is a star, not a planet, and it is at the center of our solar system.

2.It is mostly made of hydrogen and helium gases.

3.The Sun is so large that about 1.3 million Earths could fit inside it.

4.Even though it looks close, the Sun is about 93 million miles (150 million kilometers) away from Earth.

5.Light from the Sun takes about 8 minutes and 20 seconds to reach us on Earth.

6.The surface of the Sun, called the photosphere, is around 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit (5,500 degrees Celsius).

7.The Sun’s core is even hotter—at approximately 27 million degrees Fahrenheit (15 million degrees Celsius)!

8.The sunspots that you sometimes see on the surface of the Sun are cooler areas—only about 6,500 degrees Fahrenheit (3,600 degrees Celsius).

9.A total solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes exactly between Earth and the Sun, blocking its light.

10.The Sun’s atmosphere extends millions of miles into space and is called the corona.

11.The energy produced by the Sun powers all life on Earth through a process called photosynthesis in plants.

12.Our Sun is middle-aged; astronomers believe it’s around 4.5 billion years old.

13.The Sun won’t burn forever—it’s expected to live for about another 5 billion years.

14.Sometimes, explosions on the Sun called solar flares send bursts of energy and materials into space.

15.The Northern Lights (aurora borealis) and Southern Lights (aurora australis) occur when particles from solar winds hit earth’s atmosphere.

16.From outer space, the Sun appears white—not yellow because there’s no earthly atmosphere to alter its color.

17.Solar wind from the Sun creates what’s known as a heliosphere that envelops all planets in our solar system.

18.In one second, the sun generates more energy than humanity has consumed throughout its entire history!

19.You can fit all seven of the other planets in our solar system between Earth and our Moon with room to spare!

20.The sun rotates once approximately every 27 days depending on which part of it you measure as its equator spins faster than its poles.

21.The distance between Earth and the Sun can vary by up to 3 million miles throughout the year because our orbit isn’t a perfect circle.

22.The hottest part of our atmosphere—a layer named corona after crowning—is actually hotter than the visible surface of the sun itself!

23.The Greeks called it Helios, and from this word comes ‘helio-‘ prefix in words like heliocentric (Sun-centered) or heliotrope (a plant which turns toward the sun).

24.Without protective gear or a safe viewing method like eclipse glasses or pinhole projectors watching a solar eclipse can be damaging to eyesight!

25.Finally, despite being this huge source of power and life for our planet—even with advanced technology—the Sun still holds many mysteries that scientists are working to understand.

These facts highlight just how incredible our nearest star really is! Hopefully these will inspire children to learn more about astronomy and appreciate how important our connection to this giant celestial body truly is.


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