
Classroom Reward Systems and Intrinsic Motivation

In the realm of education, fostering a positive learning environment is paramount for the cognitive and emotional development of students. Classroom reward systems and intrinsic motivation are key concepts that play a vital role in creating such an environment. This article explores how these two elements interact and influence student engagement and achievement.
Classroom reward systems are external incentives used by educators to encourage desired behaviors and academic performance. Common examples include sticker charts, point systems, or privileges such as extra recess time. The idea is that by offering a tangible reward, students will be more likely to repeat the behavior that led to the reward. However, the implementation of these systems has been a subject of debate among educators and psychologists.
On one hand, reward systems can be highly effective in the short term. They can promote an immediate increase in participation and can be particularly useful for reinforcing basic skills and routine tasks. For students who struggle with self-motivation, these rewards can provide the necessary boost to engage with their work.
On the other hand, there is concern about the long-term effects of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation refers to engaging in an activity for its own sake, for the pleasure and satisfaction derived from the task itself rather than from any external rewards it may bring. Studies have shown that intrinsic motivation is closely linked to deeper learning, creativity, and psychological well-being.
A widely referenced study on motivation by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan underlined that while extrinsic rewards might secure compliance, they do not necessarily engender genuine interest in a learning task. Over-reliance on rewards can lead students to attribute their actions to external incentives rather than to their innate interests or abilities. This shift from intrinsic to extrinsic motivators may ultimately undermine a child’s natural curiosity and love of learning.
Moreover, intrinsic motivation is associated with higher academic achievement. Learners who are intrinsically motivated tend to process information more deeply and thoroughly. They show better problem-solving abilities and understanding because their drive comes from within, making them more resilient in the face of challenges.
To maintain a balance between extrinsic rewards and intrinsic motivation within classroom settings, educators could consider several strategies:
1. Use rewards strategically: Only employ rewards for behaviors that are not inherently interesting or enjoyable for most students.
2. Offer choices: Allowing students some level of choice in their activities can enhance their sense of autonomy which supports intrinsic motivation.
3. Praise effort over ability: Foster a growth mindset by praising students for their hard work rather than innate intelligence.
4. Encourage self-assessment: Have students reflect on their learning process and self-evaluate their progress.
5. Focus on mastery: Emphasize the value of mastering skills over obtaining rewards.
In conclusion, while classroom reward systems can serve as useful tools for managing behavior and encouraging engagement, it is important not to overlook the power of intrinsic motivation in fostering a lifelong love for learning. Balancing these elements wisely can lead to a truly enriching educational experience where students are motivated not only by external rewards but also by their innate desire to explore, understand and grow.

18 Amazing Mindfulness Activities for the Classroom

Mindfulness has become an essential part of many people’s lives and is increasingly being integrated into educational settings. Bringing mindfulness into the classroom can have profound benefits for students, including improved focus, better emotional regulation, and a more compassionate classroom environment. Here are 18 amazing mindfulness activities suitable for the classroom:

1. Mindful Breathing – Students focus on their breathing, noticing the rise and fall of their chests or the air moving in and out of their nostrils.

2. Body Scan Meditation – Sitting comfortably, students close their eyes and pay attention to different parts of their bodies in sequence from head to toe.

3. Listen to the Bell – A bell or chime is rung, and students listen carefully until they can no longer hear the sound.

4. Mindful Eating – Students eat a small piece of food like a raisin or a piece of chocolate slowly, engaging all their senses to fully experience the flavors.

5. Sensory Observation – Students use their senses to observe details about an object, like a stone or leaf, noting texture, color, smell, etc.

6. Mindful Walking – Walking slowly and with intention around the classroom or outside, students stay focused on the movement of their feet and the sensations they feel.

7. Guided Imagery – The teacher leads students through a peaceful story or scene, encouraging them to visualize it in detail in their minds.

8. Thought Clouds – Students sit quietly and imagine their thoughts as clouds passing by in the sky without getting attached to any particular one.

9. Gratitude Moments – Starting or ending class with a few minutes where students reflect on and share something they are grateful for that day.

10. The Feelings Barometer – Students check in with themselves about how they’re feeling at that moment and maybe share it with the class if they’re comfortable.

11. Heartbeat Exercise – After physical activity, students place a hand on their hearts and notice their heartbeat; this helps them connect with their body’s responses.

12. Yoga Poses – Simple yoga poses can help students become more aware of their bodies while also releasing physical tension.

13. Coloring Mandalas – Coloring intricate mandala patterns can be a meditative activity promoting concentration and relaxation.

14. Mindful Listening – Students pair up and practice listening to each other without interrupting or planning what they’ll say next.

15. Silent Time – A short period of silence during which students can sit quietly with their own thoughts without any task assigned.

16. Kindness Meditation – Students close their eyes and send kind thoughts to people in their lives, starting with themselves and expanding outward.

17. Name Your Emotions – This exercise encourages kids to name their current emotions as a way to acknowledge and understand them better.

18. The ‘What’s Good’ Journal – Keeping a journal where students regularly record positive experiences or things that went well during their day or week.

Integrating these mindfulness practices into everyday learning can help students develop valuable life skills that translate beyond academics into peaceful personal development and interactions with others.

10 Sustainability Ideas for Teachers to Get Kids Excited About the Earth

Sustainability is a crucial topic for today’s youth, as they are the ones who will inherit the Earth and its environmental challenges. As educators, it’s important to inspire students to care for their environment and understand their impact on the planet. Here are 10 sustainability ideas for teachers that can get kids excited about the Earth:

1. Start a Recycling Program – Teach children about the importance of recycling by starting a program at your school. Encourage them to bring in recyclables from home and organize class competitions.

2. Classroom Energy Audit – Have students perform an energy audit of their classroom or school to learn about how much energy is consumed and discuss ways to reduce it.

3. Build a School Garden – Creating a garden can help students understand the cycles of nature, and they’ll take pride in growing their own food.

4. Composting Workshop – Set up a compost bin in your classroom or schoolyard to show kids how organic waste can turn into nutrient-rich soil.

5. Eco-Friendly Crafts – Integrate recycled materials into art projects to emphasize creativity without waste. This can instill the idea that resources should be used responsibly.

6. Water Conservation Experiments – Explore water conservation through experiments that measure how much water we use and how we can use less.

7. Adopt a Wildlife Species or Habitat – Fostering responsibility for an animal species or habitat can raise awareness and empathy towards environmental conservation.

8. Green Transportation Week – Promote walking, biking, carpooling, or taking public transportation for a week to reduce your school’s carbon footprint.

9. Sustainability Themed Field Trips – Take students on trips to local nature reserves, recycling centers, or sustainable farms to witness sustainable practices firsthand.

10. Environmental Book Club – Encourage your class to read books that focus on environmental heroes and discuss the environmental themes and messages within them.

These activities are not only educational but also engaging, allowing kids to actively participate in sustainability practices and grow their appreciation for the environment.

How to Get Organized for Report Cards (The Ultimate Time-Saving Tip)

As report card season approaches, educators and parents alike begin to feel the pressure of organizing and preparing student evaluations. Instead of dreading this time, you can harness some foolproof methods to make the report card process smoother and more efficient. Here’s the ultimate time-saving tip for staying organized during report card periods:

Start Early and Update Regularly

Often, the bulk of the stress comes from a last-minute rush to assess students’ performances. To mitigate this, start preparing for report cards well in advance. After each test, assignment, or notable class activity, take a few minutes to record grades and observations. Use a digital grade book or spreadsheet that allows you to enter data easily and categorize it accordingly. This not only helps in keeping track of each student’s progress throughout the semester but also enables you to have all the material ready when report cards are due.

Create a Checklist

Before diving into the actual writing of report cards, develop a comprehensive checklist that details everything you need. This should include:

– A list of all students with respective classes or sections.

– A record of assignments, tests, and projects along with their deadlines.

– Individual student comments or particular points to note about their performance or behavior.

– Any school or district-specific policies regarding grading scales or comments.

Having everything listed in one place can serve as both a roadmap and a progress tracker for your work on report cards.

Utilize Templates

Creating a template for your remarks on student performance can drastically reduce the time spent writing individual comments. Develop a set of standard observations that apply broadly and leave room for personalization for each student. Comments should be constructive, specific about achievements or areas needing improvement, and as objective as possible.

Automate What You Can

Embrace technology by utilizing grading software that can automate calculations based on input data. These tools often provide additional features like generating reports or analyzing trends over time which can be especially valuable when preparing final remarks.

Set Aside Dedicated Time Blocks

Schedule specific times in your calendar solely dedicated to updating grades and writing report cards. These uninterrupted sessions allow for increased concentration and efficiency compared to sporadic, multi-tasking efforts.

Double-Check Grades

Before finalizing report cards, take time to review all grades for accuracy. An error now could mean additional work later resolving misunderstandings with students, parents, or administration.

Communicate With Students and Parents

Keep communication open with both students and parents throughout the term. Providing feedback early and often prevents surprises on the report card and can help students improve before final evaluations are made.

By starting early, maintaining regular updates, utilizing checklists and templates, automating processes where possible, setting aside dedicated time blocks for report card preparation, double-checking work for accuracy, and keeping open lines of communication—teachers can manage the daunting task of preparing report cards in an organized manner. Implementing these strategies will not only save time but also result in more meaningful feedback that can significantly impact students’ academic growth.

How to Set Up a Homework Club

Homework clubs can be a fantastic way for students to get together, help each other, and stay motivated to complete their school assignments. If you’re considering setting up a homework club, here are some steps to guide you through the process.

 Define the Purpose and Goals

Before you start a homework club, it’s important to determine why you’re starting it and what you hope to achieve. Do you want to provide a quiet space for individual study, or are you aiming for collaborative learning where students help each other? Setting clear goals will help guide the structure of your club.

 Choose a Location

A suitable location is critical. This place should be quiet, have enough space, and be easily accessible to students. Libraries, community centers, or empty classrooms are excellent places as they provide a formal atmosphere conducive to studying.

 Set a Schedule

Decide on the days and times that the homework club will meet. It’s important to consider when students are most likely to attend — after school or in the evening. Be consistent with the timing so that students can build it into their routine.

 Gather Materials

Make sure you have all the materials necessary for effective studying: textbooks, reference books, stationary supplies like pens and paper, computers with internet access if possible, printer/scanner facilities, etc.

 Establish Rules and Structure

Creating a set of rules helps to maintain order and focus within the group. For instance, settle on rules regarding noise levels, toy usage during club time (like phones), or bringing snacks. Additionally, decide how the time will be structured—whether there’ll be a quick briefing at the start of each session or if students break off into groups.

 Recruit Members

You’ll need to promote your homework club to gather members. You can do this by creating flyers and posters to advertise around your school or local community centers. You could also use social media or word-of-mouth to get the word out there.

 Find Supervision

Having an adult supervisor like a teacher or parent can help oversee the club activities. This person can provide homework help if needed or mediate any disruptions that arise during study time.

 Secure Funding if Necessary

If you require funds for materials or snacks, look into potential sponsorships from local businesses or educational grants available in your area that support after-school programs.

 Monitor Progress and Solicit Feedback

It’s important to keep track of how well the homework club is meeting its intended goals. Ask for regular feedback from members and adjust your strategies accordingly. This ensures that the club remains effective and continues to meet student needs.

With careful planning and management, a homework club can be an invaluable resource that fosters community support among students as they work towards academic success.

Take Your Class on an Outdoor Adventure | Field Notes Activity Journal

Outdoor learning has always been an integral part of education, albeit often underemphasized. However, there has been a growing trend of recognizing the importance of taking education beyond the confines of the traditional classroom. This brings us to the concept of an Outdoor Adventure, an experiential form of learning where students can engage with the natural environment, participate in hands-on activities, and foster a deeper connection with the world around them.

But how can educators effectively plan and document these experiences? Enter the “Field Notes Activity Journal,” a tool designed to enrich outdoor educational trips.

The Field Notes Activity Journal is not just a blank notebook; it’s a structured yet flexible resource that guides students through their outdoor experiences. It combines areas for note-taking, sketching, and reflecting, making it an ideal companion for any class adventure. Here’s how you can utilize this tool to turn a simple outing into an enriching educational journey:

Pre-Trip Planning

Before setting foot outside the classroom, it’s crucial to lay out the goals and expectations for the trip. The Field Notes Activity Journal has sections dedicated to pre-trip planning. Teachers can outline objectives so that students know what to focus on. Students can research the area they are visiting and make predictions about what they might see or learn.

Observations and Data Collection

Once on-site, students can use their journals to record observations. They can jot down flora and fauna species they encounter, weather conditions, and any other data relevant to their study topic. Different pages have prompts and tables for recording such specifics, catering not just to biology but any subject that can benefit from outdoor immersion.

Sketches and Illustrations

Encouraging students to draw what they see not only sharpens their observation skills but also appeals to those who are more visually oriented. The journal includes spaces specifically for sketches, whether it’s a landscape, a leaf pattern, or a map of the area explored.


Post-adventure reflection is as important as the experience itself. The journal offers ample space for students to write down what they learned, questions that arose during the trip, or how they felt during certain activities. This reflection helps solidify learning and promotes critical thinking.

Follow-Up Activities

The adventure doesn’t end when you return to the classroom. The Field Notes Activity Journal provides ideas and templates for follow-up activities like research projects based on field findings or presentations where students share their discoveries with peers.

Implementing field adventures into your curriculum isn’t just about having fun outside; it’s about creating interactive learning experiences that stick with students long after they’ve returned indoors. The Field Notes Activity Journal serves as both a guide for teachers and a record for students—a tangible memory of their journey into hands-on learning.

As educators continue to search for ways to inspire young minds, integrating tools like these into outdoor education will play a pivotal role in shaping holistic learners ready to explore not just academically but literally into the fields beyond their school’s doors.

Interactive MAB Blocks For Your Smartboard (And How To Use Them)

Interactive MAB (Multibase Arithmetic Blocks) are essentially mathematical manipulatives designed to help students grasp the core concepts of numbers, base ten operations, and place value. With the advent of technology in educational environments, these blocks have been digitized for use on smartboards, providing teachers and students with an innovative way to engage with mathematics interactively.

 Why Use Interactive MAB Blocks on Your Smartboard?

The integration of interactive MAB blocks into smartboard technology offers a range of benefits:

1.Engagement: Smartboards make learning more engaging through touch and interaction, which can be particularly helpful for keeping young students interested in math.

2.Accessibility: Digital blocks are readily accessible to all students in the classroom and can easily be projected for full-class participation.

3.Versatility: Unlike physical blocks, interactive MAB blocks can be duplicated endlessly, colored, labeled, grouped, and manipulated in ways that physical blocks cannot.

4.Saves Space: They reduce the need for physical storage space and the time required to distribute and collect materials.

How to Use Interactive MAB Blocks for Education

Using interactive MAB blocks on your smartboard is relatively straightforward:

1.Initialization: Start by launching the MAB block application or interactive tool on your smartboard.

2.Lesson Integration: During a lesson on place value, you could ask students to construct numbers using hundreds, tens, and ones. Students can drag blocks across the screen to represent numbers visually.

3.Collaborative Learning: Encourage group work by having students come to the board in small groups or pairs to solve problems together.

4.Interactive Exercises: Create exercises where students need to manipulate the blocks to demonstrate understanding, such as creating the largest possible number with a given set of blocks or solving addition and subtraction problems by regrouping.

5.Assess Understanding: You can quickly assess students’ comprehension by asking them to display their answers on the smartboard and explain their thought process.

6.Customization: Take advantage of digital features such as changing colors or adding annotations that may help differentiate instruction for diverse learners.

7.Feedback: Most smartboard software allows teachers to provide immediate feedback by writing directly on the board or saving student work for later review.

 Best Practices

– Be patient: Some students may need time to get used to manipulating digital objects.

– Combine physical and digital: For some learners, retaining physical blocks alongside digital ones can offer a tactile experience that reinforces learning.

– Regularly assess: Continually check for understanding as working with digital resources requires different skills than traditional methods.

– Teach proper care: Ensure that students understand how to use the smartboard responsibly to avoid damage.

Interactive MAB blocks have modernized classic mathematical tools, making them more suited for today’s digital classrooms. They provide an intuitive way for students to engage with complex numerical concepts while catering to various learning styles. With these digital blocks, teachers can create a dynamic learning environment that fosters fun, collaboration, and deep understanding of foundational math skills.

We’re Going to Plant One Million Trees!

In a bold response to the escalating climate crisis and the urgent need for environmental restoration, a groundbreaking initiative has taken root: the pledge to plant one million trees across various ecosystems around the world. This effort not only demonstrates a commitment to combating deforestation and biodiversity loss but also represents a significant step toward carbon sequestration, which is vital in the fight against climate change.

The ambitious project involves collaboration among governments, non-profit organizations, community groups, and individual volunteers, harnessing the collective power of people worldwide who are dedicated to making a tangible difference in our planet’s health. Each participant brings unique skills and resources to the table, from local farmers implementing agroforestry practices to tech giants investing in sophisticated reforestation technologies.

This tree-planting mission will focus on identifying the right tree species for each location to ensure that reforestation efforts complement and enhance local ecosystems rather than disrupt them. Native species will be prioritized to provide optimal habitats for wildlife and to maintain the ecological balance. Moreover, care will be taken not only in planting these trees but also in protecting them to maturity, with safeguards against illegal logging and land-clearing activities.

Education plays a critical role in this initiative, as raising awareness about the importance of trees affects both immediate actions and long-term sustainability. Workshops, school programs, and social media campaigns are just some of the ways this project aims to engage communities and foster an understanding of why trees are vital for clean air, water conservation, soil health, and overall biodiversity.

The endeavor is as inspiring as it is necessary. Not only does it set a precedent for reforestation efforts on a global scale, but it also ignites hope for future generations. The visionaries behind ‘We’re Going to Plant One Million Trees!’ understand that while planting trees alone won’t solve climate change, it’s an essential part of a multifaceted solution. As each tree takes root, we are reminded that even as individuals we can contribute meaningfully to a larger movement—one that is planting seeds for a greener future.

Teaching Higher-Order Thinking Skills: Here’s Why It Matters So Much

In the evolving landscape of education, there is a growing consensus that fostering higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) is not merely beneficial but essential for students to thrive in the complex, fast-paced modern world. Higher-order thinking transcends basic mastery of content; it involves the development of skills such as analysis, evaluation, and creation that enable individuals to tackle complex problems and create innovative solutions.

At the core of higher-order thinking is the ability to critically evaluate information, construct arguments, and engage in reflective thinking. Traditional education has often focused on rote learning – the memorization of facts and procedures – which, while still important, is insufficient for navigating contemporary challenges.

One reason why teaching HOTS matters so much is the undeniable demand for these skills in today’s workforce. Employers increasingly look for candidates who can think independently, solve novel problems, and adapt to new situations. In a world where automation and artificial intelligence are taking over routine tasks, those with well-developed higher-order thinking skills are more likely to succeed.

Moreover, the proliferation of information – particularly misinformation – in the digital age necessitates robust analytical skills. Students need to be able to sift through vast amounts of data, discern what is credible, synthesize diverse sources of information, and make reasoned decisions based on their analyses.

From a societal perspective, higher-order thinking also underpins democratic processes. It enables individuals to engage with civic issues thoughtfully, understand different viewpoints, and contribute meaningfully to public discourse.

Educators can facilitate the development of HOTS through various strategies. Asking open-ended questions that require thoughtful responses encourages students to think deeply about subjects. Project-based learning that confronts students with real-world problems invites them to apply their knowledge creatively. And fostering a classroom environment that values inquiry and dialogue helps cultivate these essential skills.

Additionally, assessment methods should evolve to measure higher-order thinking skills accurately rather than just the retention of knowledge. When assessments challenge students to apply concepts in new contexts or present original ideas based on their understanding, they reinforce the importance of these advanced cognitive processes.

In summary, integrating instruction aimed at developing higher-order thinking into curricula across all levels of education is vital for preparing students not only for future employment but also for active participation in society. This move toward emphasizing HOTS over rote memorization represents an investment in our collective future – one where dynamic intellectual capabilities are crucial for both individual success and global advancement.

New Year’s Resources and Activities for the Classroom

As we approach the end of the year, it’s a great opportunity for educators to introduce new and engaging activities into their classrooms to celebrate the New Year. Integrating New Year’s-themed resources not only excites students but also sparks reflection on the past year while inspiring goals for the year ahead. Here are some innovative resources and activities that you can incorporate into your teaching plans.

1. Reflection and Resolution Journals – Start by giving each student a journal or notebook. The first few days back from the holiday break can be spent reflecting on their past year’s experiences, achievements, and challenges. Encourage them to list their resolutions, goals, or aspirations for the new year.

2. Goal-Setting Vision Boards – Creativity meets goal-setting with this activity. Provide students with poster boards, magazines, stickers, and markers to create a visual representation of what they hope to accomplish in the coming year.

3. New Year Countdown Timelines – Teach important time-telling skills by creating a classroom countdown timeline to New Year’s Day. Encourage students to add significant events or tasks they are looking forward to in the coming year.

4. ‘Year in Review’ Collage Project – Students can work in groups or individually to create collages from magazine cutouts or drawings that represent major events, trends, or personal milestones from the past year.

5. Resolution Role Play – Have an activity where each student picks a resolution out of a hat and role-plays how they might achieve it throughout the new year. This encourages empathy by having them consider different perspectives and challenges.

6. Time Capsule Creation – A fun way to anticipate future reflection is to have each student bring in an item that represents something significant about their year. They can write a description of their item and why they chose it before sealing all items together in a time capsule to open at a later date.

7. Culture Corner: New Year Traditions Around the World – Build global awareness by teaching your students about different traditions from cultures around the world and how they celebrate New Year’s Day. This could be done via research projects, presentations, or a cultural fair day.

8. Poetry Writing: Odes to the Old Year – Encourage literary creativity with poetry writing focused on their experiences from the past year, hopes for the new one, or odes to time itself.

9. New Year’s Themed Math Problems– Use party-related scenarios that involve math—calculations related to recipes for celebration snacks, party favor budgeting, or counting down till midnight using different time zones around the world.

10. Science Experiments: Ball Drop Test – Explore physics by designing various ‘ball drop’ experiments akin to the famous Times Square New Year’s Eve event; examine gravity, friction, and kinetics in a fun context.

Incorporating these activities not only enlivens your classroom environment but also helps students develop important skills such as reflection, goal setting, creativity, empathy, cultural awareness, and academic competencies across several subjects. Happy teaching and happy New Year!