25 Ways to Encourage Learners Not to Interrupt Others

Are you looking for ways to encourage students not to interrupt others? If so, keep reading.

1. Get the student to question any directions, explanations, or instructions before starting a task to reinforce comprehension and avoid interrupting peers later to ask questions.

2. Converse with the student to explain (a) what they are doing wrong and (b) what they must be doing (e.g., waiting for a turn to speak, working quietly, etc.).

3. Take the student away from the learning experience until they can demonstrate appropriate behavior and self-control.

4. Teach the student to ask themselves questions such as, “What should I be doing right now?” “Is what I have to say relevant to this topic?” “Is this an excellent time for me to comment?”

5. Urge the student to remind themselves to wait when they feel the urge to interrupt (e.g., “Stop. Count to 10.”).

6. Teach the student to use techniques such as crossing their and legs, clinching their fists, and webbing their hands when they feel the urge to interrupt.

7. Show the student the importance of treating people as they want to be treated (e.g., people will not interrupt you if you do not interrupt them).

8. Talk regularly with the student to keep their involvement in the learning experience (e.g., ask the student questions, ask the student’s opinion, stand near the student, seat the student near the teacher’s desk, etc.).

9. Show the student why it is essential not to interrupt others. Assist them in understanding that it is impolite, that they might hurt someone’s feelings, etc.

10. Get the student to make a list of consequences associated with regularly occurring behaviors (e.g., By disrupting others, they will be perceived as unmannerly. By behaving aggressively, the student will cause people to avoid him/her.).

11. Show the student the need to lessen impulsive behavior to increase work productivity and general happiness.

12. Make sure that you do not interrupt others. If you interrupt others, the student will continue to do so.

13. Create rules for conversing with others (e.g., wait for your turn to talk, stand quietly by the person with whom you want to talk until you are noticed, excuse yourself when you interrupt others, etc.). These rules should be consistent and followed by everyone in the class. Talk about the rules often.

14. Select a peer who does not interrupt others. Urge the student to observe that person and try to model the behaviors that Let them be patient.

15. Provide a predetermined signal (e.g., hand signal, oral signal, etc.) when the student begins to display unacceptable behaviors.

16. Practice continuously the class rules regarding talking aloud during quiet activity periods.

17. Teach appropriate social rituals (e.g., say, “Excuse me,” before interrupting; wait until someone stops speaking to begin talking, etc.).

18. Get the student to find the situations in which they are most likely to interrupt. After they have identified these situations, have them think of ways to minimize their occurrences.

19. Teach and practice efficient communication skills. These skills include listening, keeping eye contact, and positive body language.

20. Create classroom rules: • Complete every assignment. • Remain in your seat. • Finish tasks. • Meet task expectations. • Raise your hand. Examine rules often. Praise students for following the rules.

21. Get a peer to signal the student when they are interrupting others (e.g., the peer can touch the student’s arm or desk as a signal that they are interrupting).

22. Consider using a classroom management app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

23. Consider using an adaptive behavior management app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

24. Consider using Alexa to help the student learn to behave appropriately. Click here to read an article that we wrote on the subject.

25. Click here to learn about six bonus strategies for challenging problem behaviors and mastering classroom management.

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