27 Genius Tricks for Encouraging Learners Not to Use Profanity

Are you looking for genius tricks for encouraging students not to use profanity? If so, keep reading.

1. Alter or adjust situations that contribute to the student’s use of obscene or profane language (e.g., if a task causes the student to become upset, modify the task to a level at that the student can be successful).

2. Make sure the student has frequent, positive chances to define self-expression without using obscene/profane language.

3. Praise the student for behaving responsibly and not using obscene/profane language for self-expression by: (a) give the student a concrete reward (e.g., privileges such as leading the line, handing out learning materials, 10 minutes of free time, etc.) or (b) give the student an informal reward (e.g., praise, handshake, smile, etc.).

4. Define what has been done correctly and what the student needs to do to improve upon their capacity and ability to connect without obscene/ profane language.

5. Make sure to positively reinforce those who are expressing thoughts and feelings without resorting to obscene/profane language.

6. Provide your response and consequences to the use of obscene/profane language in a low crucial manner because the student may be using this kind of language to elicit shock/surprise responses from those sharing their surroundings.

7. Teach the student to recognize when they feel the need to use obscene/profane language and ways to deal with it (e.g., counting to 10, moving to various places in the classroom, reading, etc.). Provide the student with structured practice at using coping skills that could be adapted to life beyond the classroom.

8. Draft an agreement specifying expected behavior (e.g., taking the time to express thoughts/feelings without the use of obscene/profane language) and which reinforcement will be implemented when the agreement has been met.

9. Connect with the student’s parents to disseminate information about the student’s progress. The parents may reinforce students at home for using positive communication techniques at school.

10. Observe the student who does not consider the consequences of using obscene/profane language.

11. Give the student models of the behavioral choices you expect of them during times of frustration or stress to avoid the use of obscene/profane language.

12. Talk regularly with the student to monitor the language used.

13. Urge the student to express thoughts and feelings carefully and thoughtfully. Praise the student for self-expression without using obscene/profane language.

14. Teach the student self-reinforcement techniques for positive self-expression (e.g., going to a movie or out to eat after a week of communicating without obscene/profane language, etc.).

15. Stop task-related stress so student frustration and temptation to use obscene/profane language is decreased by (a) providing clear task expectations and assuring these are grasped by the student before they receive task learning materials and before they are required to begin the task, (b) providing the student ample time for task conclusion, ( c) providing the student frequent chances for communication to reinforce their positive self-expression throughout the day, and ( d) making sure tasks are appropriate for the student’s age, capacity, and ability.

16. Provide consequences in a nonmenacing, calm manner.

17. Make sure the student knows the following: • You are confident that they can connect thoughts/feelings without using obscene/profane language. • The student will have many more chances to earn positive reinforcement by communicating thoughts/feelings without using obscene/profane language.

18. Select a peer to model expressing thoughts and feelings without resorting to obscene/profane language for the student.

19. Be a consistent, positive authority figure.

20. Continuously act upon the student’s antecedent behaviors (e.g., increased restlessness, marked changes in moods, etc.) to teach positive forms of self-expression. They can then have the chance to find and describe thoughts, feelings, and/or problems before the situation escalates.

21. Consider using a classroom management app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

22. Consider using an adaptive behavior management app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

23. Consider using Alexa to help the student learn to behave appropriately. Click here to read an article that we wrote on the subject.

24. Click here to learn about six bonus strategies for challenging problem behaviors and mastering classroom management.

25. Consider using a socio-emotional learning app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

26. Consider using an emotional intelligence app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

27. Consider using a school counseling app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

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