28 Engaging Gross Motor Activities for Elementary Students


Gross motor activities are essential for elementary students to develop their physical skills, build strength, improve coordination, and boost confidence. These activities can be incorporated into a physical education curriculum or simply included during recess or after-school programs. Here are 28 fun and engaging gross motor activities that will get your elementary students moving and help them develop essential skills.

1. Hopscotch – A classic playground game that improves balance and coordination.

2. Jump rope – Promotes agility, stamina, and hand-eye coordination.

3. Obstacle course – Design an age-appropriate course with various challenges to stimulate problem-solving and gross motor skills.

4. Hula hooping – Develops core strength, rhythm, and coordination.

5. Tug of war – A fun way for students to build teamwork and upper body strength.

6. Balloon volleyball – Enhances coordination, reflexes, and teamwork in a non-competitive setting.

7. Crab walk races – Strengthens arm, leg, and core muscles while developing balance.

8. Sack races – Encourages balance and coordination while promoting friendly competition.

9. Simon Says – An interactive game that promotes listening skills, focus, and body control.

10. Wheelbarrow races – Teams work together to develop upper body strength and cooperation.

11. Parachute games – Increases teamwork skills while promoting a fun physical activity.

12. Bean bag toss – Helps develop hand-eye coordination as well as spatial awareness.

13. Wall push-ups – Builds upper body strength at an age-appropriate level.

14. Ladder drills – Improve agility and speed while working on sequencing skills.

15. Scooter board relay races – Develops lower body strength in a fun engaging game of teamwork.

16. Freeze dance – Stimulates creativity, rhythm, balance, and self-confidence through dance moves.

17. Around the world – Basketball skill-building game that teaches accuracy and shooting skills.

18. Four corners – A fast-paced game reinforcing agility, speed, and decision-making skills.

19. Frisbee toss – Enhances hand-eye coordination while encouraging outdoor play.

20. Yoga for kids – Improves flexibility, balance, and body awareness in a calming setting.

21. Playground equipment – Swing sets, monkey bars, and slides promote essential gross motor skills.

22. Skating or rollerblading – Encourages balance and coordination in a challenging yet exciting activity.

23. Biking – Develops lower body strength, balance, and stamina while exploring the outdoors.

24. Relay races – Builds teamwork and endurance while working on running speed and agility.

25. Kickball – Encourages teamwork, coordination, and throwing, catching, and kicking skills.

26. Soccer drills – Improve footwork, agility, and speed by participating in fun soccer practice drills.

27. Capture the flag – Enhances strategic thinking and team cooperation in a high-energy game.

28. Jumping jacks – Increases heart rate while coordinating upper and lower body movements.


Incorporating these 28 gross motor activities into your elementary school program will provide students with a variety of engaging movement opportunities that build crucial physical skills, encourage teamwork, and boost self-confidence. These activities will not only help students develop as young athletes but also as cooperative teammates eager to learn from one another in a fun environment.

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